以下是对 ansible lineinfile 模块处理多行文本的方法和注意事项的详细总结: 1. 使用 with_items 参数处理多行文本 当需要修改文件中的多行内容时,可以结合 with_items 参数来遍历一个包含多个键值对的列表,从而实现对每行的修改。 示例Playbook: yaml - name: Modify multiple lines hosts: servers tasks: - ...
# - Blank lines are ignored # 空白行被忽略 # - Groups of hosts are delimited by [hea der] elements # 主机组 需要在【】下面 # - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses #可以写主机名或者ip地址 # - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups # 一台主机可以在多个组里面 www[...
hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Add multiple lines to a file lineinfile: path: /path/to/file line: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - "line 1" - "line 2" - "line 3" ``` 在这个playbook中,我们首先指定了要操作的目标主机为localhost。然后在tasks中定义了一个任务,使用lineinfi...
This module ensures a particular line is in a file,or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression. This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a file only. See the[replace]module if you want to change multiple,similar lines or check[blockinfil...
> LINEINFILE This module will search a file for a line, and ensure that it is present or absent. This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a file only. See the [replace] module if you want to change multiple, similar lines or chec [blockinfile] if you want...
-name:single line in filelineinfile:dest:/tmp/junkcreate:truestate:presentline:"# single line in file"-name:Multiple lines in filelineinfile:dest:/tmp/junkcreate:truestate:presentline:|# These are my multiple lines of text# they are really long and important ...
lineinfile: path: /etc/sudoers regexp: '^{{item.xingming}} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' # 可以使用正则匹配来找到要删除的行 state: absent # 将状态设置为 absent 以删除该行 loop: "{{ sudoers }}" ansbible配置文件参数讲解 #forks = 5 表示同时管理连接5台操作,如果有20台机器,则5台管理一次,...
Lineinfile 模块 ansible在使用sed进行替换时,经常会遇到需要转义的问题,而且ansible在遇到特殊符号进行替换时,存在问题,无法正常进行替换 。 ansible自身提供了两个模块:lineinfile模块和replace模块,可以方便的进行替换 一般在ansible当中去修改某个文件的单行进行替换的时候需要使用lineinfile模块 ...
Since no lines in the file match the contents of the line parameter, the line is always inserted. blockinfile is the appropriate module to use for matching across multiple lines. tasks: - name: configure main options blockinfile: dest: /etc/rsyslog.conf-test-me create: yes insertbefore: BOF...
line: 'new line to append' ``` 在这个任务中,我们指定了文件的路径和需要追加的内容。Ansible会自动检查文件中是否已存在该内容,如果不存在则进行追加。 如果需要追加多行内容,可以使用blockinfile模块。下面是一个示例任务: ```yaml - name: Append multiple lines to a file ...