在Ansible的playbook或ad-hoc命令中编写lineinfile模块任务,指定文件路径、匹配模式和替换内容。 以下是一个示例任务,展示了如何使用lineinfile模块替换一行文本: yaml - name: Replace a line in the configuration file lineinfile: path: /etc/example.conf regexp: '^# Example setting' line: 'Example setting...
-name:'backup file'lineinfile:path:/root/configbackup:yesline:state=present 2、替换整行 -name:'替换'lineinfile:path:/root/configregexp:'^SELINUX='line:'此行已被我替换了' 3、在匹配行前面插入 -name:'在匹配行前面插入'lineinfile:path:/root/configinsertbefore:'SELINUXTYPE=targeted'line:'成功...
line: '# port for http by default' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6、确保文件/tmp/testfile中存在行192.168.1.99 foo.lab.net foo且仅有一行,如果文件不存在则自动创建: - name: Add a line to a file if the file does not exist, without passing regexp lineinfile: path: /tmp/testfile line: 19...
lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, lineinfile - or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression. 示例1 [root@ansible-manager ~]# ansible host1 -m lineinfile -a 'path=/testdir/test line="test lineinfile" ' host1 | SUCCESS => { "backup": ""...
lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression 简单讲,这个模块就是针对一个文件中行内容的操作。 下面我们详细说一说其具体可以做的事情。 2 修改匹配行 下面是一个简单的task示例: ...
--- name:Examples of lineinfilehosts:webtasks:- name:"Example1: Validate if a String or line is present in the file"become:yesbecome_user:roottags:example1lineinfile:path:/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf# The String to Searchregexp:"LogLevel warn"# The String to Replaceline:"LogLevel debug...
ansible 对文件内容的操作作者: 张首富时间: 2021-05-13 wx: y18163201 ansible lineinfile 简介 lineinfile该模块是操作文件中的每一行内容 replace(非核心模块)介绍 replace模块可
lineinfile 用来确定文件中的特定行存在,或者进行修改。用来修改单独一行时很有用,可以使用python正则表达式,例如对配置文件进行修改。如果想修改多行可以考虑replace,或者考虑blockinfile 如果想添加/更新一段内容。 自己用的不多,记下来避免忘了😊 主要参数: ...
Summary If you want to append a string to an existing string via lineinfile the string is replaced. Added replace example where the regex find works. Issue Type Bug Report Component Name lineinfile Ansible Version $ ansible --version ans...