hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Add multiple lines to a file lineinfile: path: /path/to/file line: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - "line 1" - "line 2" - "line 3" ``` 在这个playbook中,我们首先指定了要操作的目标主机为localhost。然后在tasks中定义了一个任务,使用lineinfi...
# - Blank lines are ignored # 空白行被忽略 # - Groups of hosts are delimited by [hea der] elements # 主机组 需要在【】下面 # - You can enter hostnames or ip addresses #可以写主机名或者ip地址 # - A hostname/ip can be a member of multiple groups # 一台主机可以在多个组里面 www[...
[root@centos7 ~]# ansible test -m lineinfile -a"path=/root/ line='liuhao test1' regexp='^liuhao' backrefs=yes"| SUCCESS =>{"backup":"","changed":true,"msg":"line replaced"} [root@centos7~]# ansible test -m lineinfile -a"path=/root/ line='liuhao t...
如果批量修改配置文件某一行时,在写playbook时lineinfile避免不了的。 根据官网说法:lineinfile - Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression.大意是说,针对文件特殊行,使用后端引用的正则表达式来替换 二、实践 playbook,我先定义前面common部...
is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a file only. See the[replace]module if you want to change multiple,similar lines or check[blockinfile]if you want to insert/update/remove a block of lines in a file. For other cases,see the[copy]or[template]modules. ...
1、文件内容修改,其中regexp为要修改的源内容的正则匹配,line为修改后的内容:ansible all -m lineinfile -a "dest=/root/test.txt regexp='bbb' line='bbbbbbb'" image.png 2、在某一行前面插入一行:ansible all -m lineinfile -a "dest=/root/test.txt insertbefore='aa(.*)' line='eeee'" ...
line=1 lone=2 line=3 line=? playbooks 测试-line --- - name: update test hosts: master remote_user: root tasks: - name: ensure selinux is set to enforcing mode ansible.builtin.lineinfile: path: /root/test/test.txt regexp: '^line=' ...
add ←删除掉 - 删除匹配⾏ ansible webservers -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/a.repo regexp='^add' state=absent"- 替换某⼀⾏ ansible webservers -m lineinfile -a "path=/tmp/a.repo regexp='^name=Extra' line='EXTRA'"[epel-source]EXTRA #baseurl=
Shortly put, Ansible REPLACE is to globally replace all the matching lines in a file with the String you have provided, on other hand LINEINFILE is to replace a matching string in a Single line Mostly First or Last appearance In this post, we are going to see various examples of ansible...
update redis conflineinfile:path: /etc/redis/redis.confregexp: "^bind ::1"line: "bind ::0"backrefs: yesbackup: yesnotify:- restart redishandlers:- name: restart redisservice:name: redis-serverstate: restartedEOF# 开始部署,-vvv会显示详细日志,可去掉ansible-playbook playbook...