- shell: echo "The variable 'foo' is not empty: '{{ foo }}'" when: foo|length > 0 Check if Ansible variableis definedandnot empty: tasks: - shell: echo "The variable 'foo' is defined and not empty" when: (foo is defined) and (foo|length > 0) - fail: msg="The variable '...
debug:msg:"variable output is {{output}}"when:outputisdefined-name:variableisnot defined debug:msg:"variable output is not defined"when:outputisundefined 执行结果: image-20210924105233861.png 与循环一起使用 如果将when与循环一起使用时,ansible会为每个循环项都执行单独的条件判断,不满足条件的项就会跳过。
2,3,4,5]ver:7.4.1708tasks:-name:"Demo then defined"debug:msg:"Variable is defined"when:testvar is defined #关键点-name:"Demo then undefined or none"debug:msg:"Variable is undefined or is none"when
- name: Test VariableisDefined Demo hosts: vars: my_service: httpd tasks: - name: "{{ my_service }} package is installed" yum: name: "{{ my_service }}" when: my_serviceisdefined 下表显示了在处理条件时可使用的一些运算: 示例条件 操作示例 上表中的最后一个条目初看起来...
user}} {{port}}'" | SUCCESS => { "user": "xiaoma" } # 未获取到定义的变量值,因为xiaoma 这个变量针对172.18.0.4,主机无效 [root@ansible-01 ~]# ansible -i hostsandhostvars -m debug -a "var=user" | SUCCESS => { "user": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!
[root@ansible-01 ~]# ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg='name is {{ name }} type is {{ type }}'" -e @a.yml [WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: name localhost | SUCCESS => { "msg": "name is mage type is study" ...
# if inventory variables overlap, does the higher precedence one win # or are hash values merged together? The default is 'replace' but # this can also be set to 'merge'. #hash_behaviour = replace # by default, variables from roles will be visible in the global variable ...
[WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: name localhost | SUCCESS => { "msg": "name is guan,type is people" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [root@master1 ~]# cat abc.yml --- name: guan type: student ... [root@master1 ~]# ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg='name ...
0x04 variable变量 前言:在ansible中使用变量,能让我们的工作变得更加灵活,在ansible中变量的使用方式有很多种 ansible变量规则: 变量名应该由字母、数字、下划线组成 变量名需要以字母开头 ansible内置的关键字不能作为变量名 下面是优先级从最小到最大的顺序(最后列出的变量赢得优先级): ...
SUMMARY Handler fails with ERROR! 'variable' is undefiend in the name: clause of a task, but not in the actual task components. ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME Handlers ANSIBLE VERSION ansible 2.8.5 config file = /home/alex/clusters...