首先,我们可以使用逗号来分隔多个命令。比如,我们想要同时执行多条Shell命令,可以这样写: ``` - name: Run multiple commands using comma hosts: all tasks: - name: Execute multiple commands shell: "command1, command2, command3" ``` 在这个例子中,我们在一个shell模块中使用逗号分隔了三个命令,Ansible...
虽然Shell模块本身设计用来执行单条命令,但我们可以通过一些技巧来在单个任务中执行多条命令。以下是几种实现方法: 1. 使用分号(;)分隔命令 可以在Shell模块中通过分号(;)来分隔多条命令,这样它们会在同一个Shell会话中顺序执行。 yaml - hosts: all tasks: - name: Execute multiple commands shell: | command1...
The Ansible Shell module allows users to run arbitrary shell commands on remote systems. It is useful when there is a need to execute multiple commands or complex shell commands that cannot be directly executed using other Ansible modules. The Shell module runs commands within the shell of the ...
- win_shell: echo %HOMEDIR% args: executable: cmd register: homedir_out # 查看环境变量这一步由于linux/profile的影响,不识别 “ % ”,故使用如下语法方可获取: # ansible winserver -m raw -a 'echo $ENV:PATH' - name: Run multi-lined shell commands win_shell: | ...
Multiple path globs can be specified and are separated by :. Currently only used for remote coverage on PowerShell modules. This is for internal use only. Type: str Default: * Version Added: 2.9 Environment: Variable: _ANSIBLE_COVERAGE_REMOTE_PATH_FILTER DEFAULT_ACTION_PLUGIN_PATH ...
Ansible的shell模块支持执行多个命令,可以通过管道 (&& 或 ;) 来串联命令。 还可以通过ansible-palybook执行: 复制 -name:Runmultipleshellcommandshosts:hptasks:-name:Checkdiskspaceandsystemloadshell:"df -h && uptime"register:output_vars-name:Showtheoutputdebug:var:output_vars.stdout ...
shell和 command 的区别:shell模块可以特殊字符,而 command 是不支持 hostname 模块: 修改远程主机名的模块。 script模块: 在远程主机上执行主控端的脚本,相当于 scp +shell组合。 stat模块: 获取远程文件的状态信息,包括atime,ctime,mtime,md5,uid,gid等信息。 cron 模块: 远程主机 crontab 配置。 mount 模块: ...
# use this shell for commands executed under sudo # you may need to change this to bin/bash in rare instances # if sudo is constrained #executable = /bin/sh # if inventory variables overlap, does the higher precedence one win # or are hash values merged together? The default is 'replac...
- name: My play hosts: all debugger: on_skipped tasks: - name: Execute a command ansible.builtin.command: "true" when: False Example of setting the debugger keyword at multiple levels: - name: Play hosts: all debugger: never tasks: - name: Execute a command ansible.builtin.command: ...
- name: Execute multiple commands shell: | command1 command2 ``` 在上述代码中,我们使用了一个多行字符串来指定需要同时执行的命令。Ansible将逐行执行指定的命令。 通过同时执行多个命令,Ansible可以帮助管理员在一次任务中高效地完成多个操作。管理员可以根据需要同时执行各种命令,如安装软件包、配置系统、修改文...