"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible-2.7.10.post0-py2.7.egg/ansible/plugins/connection/ssh.py", line 392, in wrapped return_tuple = func(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible-2.7.10.post0-py2.7.egg/ansible/plugins/connection/ssh.py",...
-name:Execute the command in remote shell; stdout goes to the specified file on the remoteansible.builtin.shell:somescript.sh >> somelog.txt-name:Change the working directory to somedir/ before executing the commandansible.builtin.shell:somescript.sh >> somelog.txtargs:chdir:somedir/# You...
win_shell – Execute shell commands on target hosts The official documentation on thewin_shellmodule. Examples¶ -name:Execute the command in remote shell; stdout goes to the specified file on the remote.shell:somescript.sh >> somelog.txt-name:Change the working directory to somedir/ before...
exec_command()method executes the script using the default shell (BASH,SH, or any other) and returns standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively. We will read fromstdoutandstderrif there are any, and then we will close theSSHconnection. ...
> >>> shell adds extra quotes around it as below: > >>> > >>> ansible-playbook -i <inventory-file-name> <role-name> --extra-vars ' > >>> "var1=var1-value,' var2=var2-value, 'var3=var3-value " ' > >>> > >>> And ansible give the following error: ...
Executa o script do Python ou PowerShell fornecido, usando o runtime e o handler especificados. Cada ação aws:executeScript pode ser executada por uma duração máxima de dez minutos (600 segundos). Você pode limitar o tempo limite especificando o parâmetro timeoutSeconds para...
celery task.settings_module_name = os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE','lib.settings')# This sys.path hack is needed when a celery task calls ansible-playbook# and needs to execute the script directly.FIXME:Figure out if this will# work when installed in a production environment....
The SSH tunnel invokes thepythonbinary on the remote host, and feeds it a bootstrap script via stdin. Once bootstrapped, the remote "agent" sets up bi-directional communication over the stdin/stdout of the tunnel. This communication is used (currently) for two purposes: ...
ansible.windows.win_shell:C:\somescript.ps1 >> C:\somelog.txtargs:chdir:C:\somedircreates:C:\somelog.txt-name:Run a command under a non-Powershell interpreter (cmd in this case)ansible.windows.win_shell:echo %HOMEDIR%args:executable:cmdregister:homedir_out-name:Run multi-lined shell ...
Connect to the Docker daemon by providing parameters with each task or by defining environment variables. You can defineDOCKER_HOST,DOCKER_TLS_HOSTNAME,DOCKER_API_VERSION,DOCKER_CERT_PATH,DOCKER_TLS,DOCKER_TLS_VERIFYandDOCKER_TIMEOUT. If you are using docker machine, run the script shipped wit...