4. 执行 shell 命令 如果需要在远程主机上执行一个复杂的 shell 命令,可以使用shell模块: bashCopy Code ansible<host-pattern>-i<inventory-file>-m shell -a "<your-shell-command>" 例如,在远程主机上创建一个目录: bashCopy Code ansible web_servers -iinventory.ini-m shell -a"mkdir /opt/myapp" -...
默认是command模块。如果被ansible访问的设备本身已经安装并支持python, 那么就可以使用command或者shell这两个模块来管理该设备,如果被访问的设备没有安装python,比如老旧的思科2960,3750等交换机,这时就必须用raw这个模块来访问该设备。更多关于Ansible模块的信息可以访问https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.6/modules/list...
$ ansible[pattern]-m[module]-a"[module options]" 如果不指定-m [module],ansible会使用默认的command模块,module options就是要执行的命令。 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ ansible-i hosts.yaml master-a'ls $HOME'master-node|CHANGED|rc=0>>snap 使用file模块来创建一个目录: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ ...
I've changed the shell module to useexecutable: /bin/bashnow And using the multiline command. However, the resulting file has a space in front of every line? - name: Pycharm shell: | apps=/tmp/apps pycharm=pycharm.tgz if [ ! -d '/opt/pycharm' ]; then mkdir /opt/pycharm; fi...
ansible all -mcommand-a'id' shell:在远程主机调用shell执行命令,支持管道 ansibleall-m shell -a'echo"/tmp/test.txt"| xargs rm -f' copy:复制文件到远程主机,支持设定内容和修改权限 ansibleall-mcopy-a'src=/testdir/copytest dest=/testdir/ backup=yes' ...
原文链接: Ansible 文本修改 Lineinfile ## credit: http://fabian-affolter.ch/blog/the-lineinfile-module-of-ansible/ --- - hosts: alpine_install user: root tasks: # - name: create a complete empty file # command: /usr/bin/touch /test/test.conf - name: create a new file with lineinfi...
- name: Supports a validate command replace: path: /etc/apache/ports regexp: '^(NameVirtualHost|Listen)\s+80\s*$' replace: '\1' validate: '/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -f %s -t' # 短形式任务(在ansible 2+中)需要反斜杠转义序列 ...
ansible all -m ping 1.command :在远程主机执行命令,不支持管道 ansible all -m command -a 'id' 1.shell:在远程主机调用shell执行命令,支持管道 ansible all -m shell -a 'echo "/tmp/test.txt" | xargs rm -f' 1.copy:复制文件到远程主机,支持设定内容和修改权限 ...
All of the string tests also take optional ignorecase and multiline arguments. These correspond to re.I and re.M from Python’s re library, respectively. Vault New in version 2.10. You can test whether a variable is an inline single vault encrypted value using the vault_encrypted test....