要将两个单独的列表组合成一个字典列表,可以使用Ansible的zip过滤器和map函数来实现。下面是一个示例: 代码语言:txt 复制 - name: Combine two lists into a dictionary list hosts: localhost gather_facts: false vars: list1: - key1 - key2 - key3 list2: - value1 - value2 - valu...
{{{'a':1,'b':2}| combine({'b':3}) }}# 结果:{'a':1, 'b':3} 示例二: {{a | combine(b, c, d) }}# a: { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }# b: { 'y': 3, 'z': 4 }# c: { 'z': 5, 'w': 6 }# d: { 'w': 7 }# 结果:{ 'x': 1, 'y': 3, 'z': 5, '...
{{ a | combine(b, c, d) }} 上述示例中,字典「d」会字典「c」进行合并与元素的覆盖,合并结果与字典「b」进行合并于覆盖,合并结果再与字典「a」进行合并与覆盖,返回最后的字典数据。 注:combine过滤器与ansible.cfg的「hash_behaviour」参数无关,即使「hash_behaviour」设置为了「replace」,在「combine」过滤...
多个字典递归融合: {{ a | combine(b, c, d) }} 1. 上述示例中,字典「d」会字典「c」进行合并与元素的覆盖,合并结果与字典「b」进行合并于覆盖,合并结果再与字典「a」进行合并与覆盖,返回最后的字典数据。 注:combine过滤器与ansible.cfg的「hash_behaviour」参数无关,即使「hash_behaviour」设置为了「repl...
编排执行步骤 同步或异步执行任务 ansible playbook推荐使用模块的全名, 例如使用ansible.builtin.yum而不是yum, 因为模块的名称可能会重复 以下是官方playbook示例, 示例分为两个play 第一个play会在webservers主机上执行两个task, 把httpd服务通过yum更新到最新版本, 然后根据/srv/httpd.j2模板生成/etc/httpd.conf配...
Merging dictionaries in ansible, Ansible - combine three lists of dictionaries, Combine nested dictionaries in ansible, How to combine two dictionaries an ansible by some key
{ARCH}\n' -a" args: warn: false register: installed_packages_arch - name: Combine the lists of packages with and without arch set_fact: installed_packages: "{{ installed_packages_noarch.stdout_lines + installed_packages_arch.stdout_lines }}" - name: Install missing packages ignore_errors:...
If you have two or more lists of dictionaries and want to combine them into a list of merged dictionaries, where the dictionaries are merged by an attribute, you can use thecommunity.general.lists_mergebyfilter. Note The output of the examples in this section use the...
A bit more complex, using set_fact and a loop to create/update a dictionary with key value pairs from 2 lists: Using set_fact to create a dictionary from a set of lists - name: Uses 'combine' to update the dictionary and 'zip' to make pairs of both lists ansible.builtin.set_...
Roles in Ansible build on the idea of include files and combine them to form clean, reusable abstractions – they allow you to focus more on the big picture and only dive down into the details when needed. We'll start with understanding includes so roles make more sense, but our ultimate...