通常来说,任何包含在 从with_X迁移到loop中的 with_*用法都可以替换成loop。 需要注意的是,在将with_items 替换成 loop时,由于with_items 执行单层隐式扁平化遍历,在使用loop作为输出时,你需要结合 flatten(1)一起使用。举例说明,下面两种方式的输出结果相同: with_items: - 1 - [2,3] - 4 1. 2. 3....
ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -p 12345 user@跳板机公网IP nc -w 1000 %h %p" -p22 user@目标主机ip 我这里环境如下,mcw1是ansible主机,mcw2是当做跳板机,mcw3是当做目标主机。现在mcw1上通过mcw2去连接mcw3测试成功 mcw1 mcw2 mcw3 [root@mcw1 ~]$ ssh -o"ProxyComm...
#merge_multiple_cli_flags = True # 这将控制ansible如何在CLI上处理多个--tags和--skip-tags参数。如果这是True,则将多个参数合并在一起。如果为False,则使用最后指定的参数,并忽略其他参数 # Controls showing custom stats at the end, off by default #show_custom_stats = True # 最后显示自定义统计信...
# on the CLI. If this is True then multiple arguments are merged together. If # it is False, then the last specified argument is used and the others are ignored. # This option will be removed in 2.8. #merge_multiple_cli_flags = True # Controls showing custom stats at the end, off ...
## These setting lists those that you want enabled for your system. ## Custom plugins should not need this unless plugin author specifies it. # enable callback plugins, they can output to stdout but cannot be 'stdout' type. #callback_whitelist = timer, mail ...
# on the CLI. If this is True then multiple arguments are merged together. If # it is False, then the last specified argument is used and the others are ignored. # This option will be removed in 2.8. #merge_multiple_cli_flags = True ...
-name:Touch files with an optional modeansible.builtin.file:dest:"{{ item.path }}"state:touchmode:"{{ item.mode | default(omit) }}"# 设置mode和item.mode默认为可选项loop:-path:/tmp/foo-path:/tmp/bar-path:/tmp/bazmode:"0444"## 额外## 多重过滤的情况,omit应置于最后,否则省略的情况...
You can only use loop with lists. You will get an error if you try to loop over a dictionary. For example, if you run the followingprint-dict.ymlplaybook: [elliot@control plays]$ cat print-dict.yml --- - name: Print Dictionary ...
It prefers to be more declarative, though various constructs like loop allow a particular task to be repeated for multiple items in a list. Certain modules, like yum and apt, actually take lists directly, and can install all packages given in those lists within a single transaction, ...
(in other words, the role that included/imported this role) being the first item in the list. When multiple inclusions occur, this list lists thelastrole (in other words, the role that included this role) as thefirstitem in the list. It is also possible that a specific role exists ...