在循环语句中注册变量: - name: Loop Register test gather_facts: no hosts: test tasks: - name: Looping Echo Task shell: "echo this is my item: {{ item }}" loop: - one - two register: echo_results - name: Show echo_results variable debug: var: echo_results 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...
- name: registered variable usage as a loop list hosts: test tasks: - name: ensure /mnt/bkspool exists file: path: /mnt/bkspool state: directory - name: retrieve the list of home directories command: ls /home register: home_dirs - name: Show home_dirs results debug: var: home_dirs....
# This variable is set to True by default for backwards compatibility. It # will be changed to a default of 'False' in a future release. # ansible_facts. # inject_facts_as_vars = True #roles_path = /etc/ansible/roles #role存放路径 #host_key_checking = False #是否检查SSH主机的密钥...
#hash_behaviour = replace #ansible 主机变量重复处理方式 # by default, variables from roles will be visible in the global variable # scope. To prevent this, the following option can be enabled, and only # tasks and handlers within the role will see the variables there #private_role_vars =...
---hosts:node1tasks:-name:savetheresulttoavariable.shell:hostnameregister:myvar-name:debug:# msg: "{{myvar}}"# 通过.可以获取部分msg:"{{myvar.end}}" 10.4、Playbook变量(vars关键字定义变量) ---hosts:node1vars:ipname:healipass:"123456"tasks:-name:uservariablecreateuseruser:name:"{{ipname}...
1. Iteration Loop(with_items) 1.1 Compile and install through loop root@ansible-server:/data/ansible/nginx# ` vim install_nginx.yaml --- -hosts:webservers tasks: -name:installpackages yum: name:"{{ item }}" loop: -gcc -make -pcre-devel ...
In the playbook, tasks are included in a loop that has the loop variable nameitemand the included task also has a loop and the default variable name is againitem. This is why the warning messages and to solve that useloop_control. ...
Host Variable(主机变量):特定主机独有的变量 ,个性化配置。 Group Variable(组变量):组内主机共享的变量 ,统一配置。Default Variable(默认变量):未定义时使用的变量值 ,提供默认设置。Register(注册):存储任务执行结果的变量 ,用于后续判断。When(条件语句):根据条件决定任务是否执行 ,实现条件执行。Loop(循环):...
# a loop with `with_foo`) to return data that is not marked "unsafe". This means the data may contain # jinja2 templating language which will be run through the templating engine. # ENABLING THIS COULD BE A SECURITY RISK #allow_unsafe_lookups = False ...
keeps the 2.4 behavior of facts variables being set in the oldansible_*locations (while also writing them to the new namespace). This variable is expected to be set to ‘False’ in a future release. Wheninject_facts_as_varsis set to False, you must refer to ansible_facts through the ...