ansible all -m apt -a "name=apache2 state=present" -b -i /path/to/inventory 重启服务 ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=restarted" -b -i /path/to/inventory 2. ansible-inventory 命令 01作用 ansible-inventory命令用于显示和验证 Ansible Inventory 内容。 02常用选项 --list:...
usage: ansible-vault {create,decrypt,edit,view,encrypt,encrypt_string,rekey} ... positional arguments: encrypt 加密YAML文件 encrypt_string 加密字符串 create 创建新的vault加密文件 edit 编辑vault加密文件 view 查看vault加密文件 rekey 重新为vault加密文件密钥 decrypt 解密 示例: 1 2 3 4 //加密a.yml...
- name: Create sub list using startswith comparison hosts: localhost vars: original_list: - apple - banana - orange - pineapple tasks: - name: Create sub list set_fact: sub_list: "{{ original_list | select('startswith', 'a') | list }}" - name: Print sub list debug: var: ...
(touch [-acfm][-r reference-file] [--file=reference-file][-t MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]][-d time] [--date=time][--time={atime,access,use,mtime,modify}][--no-create][--help] [--version]file1 [file2 ...]) 三、touch命令功能 touch fileA,如果fileA存在,使用touch命令可更改这个文...
上面指定了从web1到web50,webservers组共计50台主机;databases组有db-a到db-f共6台主机。 6.4使用主机变量 以下是Hosts部分中经常用到的变量部分: 代码语言:javascript 复制 ansible_ssh_host #用于指定被管理的主机的真实IPansible_ssh_port #用于指定连接到被管理主机的ssh端口号,默认是22ansible_ssh_user #ss...
Create a branch based ondeveland set up adev environmentif you want to open a PR. See theAnsible release and maintenancepage for information about active branches. Roadmap Based on team and community feedback, an initial roadmap will be published for a major or minor version (ex: 2.7, 2....
tasks:-name: Create DIR file: path:/tmp/{{ ansible_default_ipv4['address'] }}#路径下变量可以不加引号,里面也可以.addressstate: directory [root@m01~]#ansible-playbook mkdir.yml[root@web03 tmp]#ls10.0.0.9#可以把内置参数写在vars_file中,也可以定义变量再使用[root@m01 ~]#vim mkdir.yml-host...
$ ansible-vault create new.yml 创建新文件 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ansible-pull 推送命令至远程,效率无限提升,对运维要求较高 ansible-doc: 显示模块帮助 ansible-doc [options] [module…] -a 显示所有模块的文档 -l, --list 列出可用模块 ...
{"Type": "List", "ValueSelector": "Instances.Instance[].InstanceId"}}}], "Outputs": {"InstanceIds": {"Type": "List", "Value": "\{\{ describeInstances.InstanceIds \}\}"}}}'register:create_template-name:Describeinstancesbystatusali_oos_execution:alicloud_region:'cn-hangzhou'template_...
# choice but to create world readable temporary files to execute a module on # the remote machine. This option is False by default for security. Users may # turn this on to have behaviour more like Ansible prior to 2.1.x. See #