[priviledge_escalation] #提权 become = yes #需要切换用户 become_method = sudo #切换方式是sudo(另一种方式是su) become_user = root #切换成管理员 become_ask_pass = no #不询问切换密码 #被管理的非要我要去,需要配置sudo #visudo csdnak ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL #设置给csdnak所有sudo权限且不...
Variable: ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE BECOME_PLUGIN_PATH Description: Colon-separated paths in which Ansible will search for Become Plugins. Type: pathspec Default: {{ ANSIBLE_HOME ~ "/plugins/become:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/become" }} Version Added: 2.8 Ini: Section: [defaults] ...
-k, --ask-pass 提示输入ssh连接密码,默认Key验证 -K, --ask-become-pass 提示输入sudo时的口令 -C, --check 检查,并不执行 -T, --timeout=TIMEOUT 执行命令的超时时间,默认10s -u, --user=REMOTE_USER 执行远程执行的用户 -b, --become 代替旧版的sudo 切换 ansible的Host-pattern ansible的Host-p...
ansible_become_password: pass # The tmp dir must be set when using win_copy as another user # This ensures the become user will have permissions for the operation # Make sure to specify a folder both the ansible_user and the become_user have access to (i.e not %TEMP% which is user...
[root@ansible~]#ansible all -k -u yang -b -K -m command -a'ls /root'#以yang用户身份执行ls /root,-b即sudo切换身份,-K输入sudo时的口令SSH password: BECOME password[defaults to SSH password]:| CHANGED | rc=0>>anaconda-ks.cfg ...
-i inventory : Set path to your inventory file. --ask-vault-pass : Ask for vault password --extra-vars '@passwd.yml' – Set extra variable. In this case set path to vault file named passwd.yml. --ask-become-pass : Ask for sudo password...
Password to pass to su Configuration: INI entry: [su_become_plugin] password = VALUE Environment variable: ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASS Environment variable: ANSIBLE_SU_PASS Variable: ansible_become_password Variable: ansible_become_pass Variable: ansible_su_pass become_user string User you ‘become’ to...
---username:xxxpassword:xxxx 2、playbook_v21.yaml ---hosts:mysetvar_files:-users.yamlbecome:yestask:-name:passworddebug:msg:"{{username}}:{{password}} 3、users.yaml文件加密 ansible-vault encrypt users.yaml 4、测试 方法一: ansible-playbook playbook_v21.yaml -i hosts --ask-vault-pass 方...
become - Change the default value for AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT to True so become prompts display BECOME password: regardless of the become method used. To display the become method in the prompt (for example, SUDO password:), set this config option to False. callbacks - New v2_runner_on_start...