[root@192-168-199-99 ~]# echo "1#fander"|passwd --stdin rootChanging password for user root.passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. 此时,我的 ansible 服务器的 hosts 配置里仍然用的旧密码 [root@192-168-199-121 ~]# cat /etc/ansible/hosts[fander_vm] ansible_us...
[root@ansible ~]# ansible web -m user -a 'name=shixiaohao uid=2222 password=123456' [WARNING]: The input password appears not to have been hashed. The 'password' argument must be encrypted for this module to work properly. | CHANGED => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_int...
Changing password for user root. passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. 1. 2. 3. 接着,我配置好 ansible 服务器的 hosts 文件。 [root@192-168-199-121 ~]# cat /etc/ansible/hosts [fander_vm] ansible_user=root ansible_ssh_pass="Root-123" 1. 2. 3. 然后,开...
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain Englis
ansible -m user -a"name=rsync create_home=no shell=/sbin/nologin" 给指定用户创建密码 ps:利用ansbile程序user模块设置用户密码信息,需要将明文信息转为密文信息进行设置 生成密文密码 ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a"msg={{ '密码信息(123456)' | password_hash('sha512','加密效验...
Skipping callback 'yaml', as we already have a stdout callback. META: ran handlers <> ESTABLISH SSH CONNECTION FOR USER: admin#root# <> SSH: EXEC sshpass -d10 ssh -C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s -o Port=2222 -o 'User="admin#root#192...
password_lock:参数用于锁定指定用户,布尔类型,默认为空 update_password:参数可选值有always和on_create,默认为always。 当设置为always时,password参数的值与/etc/shadow中密码字符串不一致时更新用户的密码; 当设置为on_create时,password参数的值与/etc/shadow中密码字符串不一致时也不会更新用户的密码,但如果是...
user模块 home:指定家目录,需要createhome为yes groups:用户组 uid:用户UID password:指定用户密码 name:用户名 createhome:是否创建家目录 system:是否创建为系统用户 remove:但state=absent时,删除家目录 state:创建或者删除 shell:指定用户shell环境 synchronize模块 ...
的。也就是remove值默认是no,如果要删除家目录remove值yes password参数:用于设置用户密码 ,但是这个密码不是明文的,而是加密后的 和/etc/shadow文件中密码字段一样 参数介绍就到这里,下面将用实例讲解各参数的用法 例1:创建名称为test的用户 [root@localhost ~]# ansible -m user -a "name=tes...
become_allow_same_user Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_BECOME_ALLOW_SAME_USER BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE Description: The password file to use for the become plugin. --become-password-file. If executable, it will be run and the resulting stdout will be used as the password. Type: path Defau...