需要执行become的地方,设置ansible_become_password参数,如下图: [test_server] 10.13.4.[48:51] ansible_ssh_user="test" ansible_ssh_pass='111111' ansible_sudo_pass='111111' ansible_become_password='111111' 1. 2. 二、使用sudo echo a >> 权限文件会报权限不足的问题 这个是权限问题,可以有两种方...
ansible_become_password 提升为指定用户权限时的密码 (1)主机变量 [webservers] ansible_port=22 ansible_user=root ansible_password=abc1234 (2)组变量 [webservers:vars] #表示为 webservers 组内所有主机定义变量 ansible_user=root ansible_password=abc1234 [all:vars] #表示为所有组内的所有...
ansible_become_user: user ansible_become_password: pass # The tmp dir must be set when using win_copy as another user # This ensures the become user will have permissions for the operation # Make sure to specify a folder both the ansible_user and the become_user have access to (i.e ...
#become_user=root 切换后用户身份 #become_ask_pass=False 是否需要输入密码 方法二: 在执行ansible 命令时添加执行参数: –become (-b) 允许切换用户 –become-method 切换方式 默认sudo –become-user 切换后用户 –ask-become-pass (-K)大写K 忽略提示密码 ansible -m shell -a 'date' -b...
[test_server]10.13.4.[48:51] ansible_ssh_user="test"ansible_ssh_pass='111111'ansible_sudo_pass='111111'ansible_become_password='111111' 二、使用sudo echo a >> 权限文件会报权限不足的问题 这个是权限问题,可以有两种方式解决: 1. 切换到root用户即可解决 ...
1、在hosts文件添加,ansible_become_pass=password 2、运行命令的时候加上 –ask-become-pass 此指令集还有: become 等同于添加 ‘sudo:’或‘su:’ ,默认为sudo,被控主机为centos的话需要设置become_method为su become_user 等同于添加 ‘sudo_user:’或‘su_user:’ ...
become:与配置文件中的 become 作用一样,用于提权,当配置文件中禁用提权时,你想要某个 play 使用提权的话,你可以在 play 中添加 become。 playbook 以 yaml 格式编写的,通常以 yml扩展名保存。yaml 格式使用空格缩进,对于空格的数量没有特别要求,但需要注意: ...
allows you to set the privilege escalation password (即如你要使用root账户,则这里要写的就是root账户的密码!) 举例如下: [root@iZ2ze5n6gzuzcclehq1v9gZ ansible]# vim hosts [yunwei] ansible_ssh_user=product ansible_become_user=root ansible_become=ansible ...
See also BECOME_ALLOW_SAME_USER ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE The password file to use for the become plugin. --become-password-file.If executable, it will be run and the resulting stdout will be used as the password. See also BECOME_PASSWORD_FILE ANSIBLE_AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT Display...