这样可以统一指定执行任务时要切换到的用户身份,避免在每个任务中都重复添加`become_user`指令。 总的来说,`become_user`是Ansible中一个非常实用的功能,可以帮助用户更好地管理服务器和控制权限。通过合理使用`become_user`指令,用户可以轻松实现任务以正确的权限级别执行,确保操作的有效性和安全性。希望大家在工作中...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于ansible 命令become_user的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及ansible 命令become_user问答内容。更多ansible 命令become_user相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
在管道的两端使用sudo -u命令可以在特定用户的权限下执行命令。sudo -u命令用于以指定用户的身份执行命令,可以在管道的两端使用该命令来实现特定用户权限下的数据处理。 具体使用方法如下: 在管道的前端使用sudo -u命令: | sudo -u <username> 其中,是管道的前一个命令,<username>是要切换到的特定用户,是以该用...
Variable: ansible_become_flags Variable: ansible_sudo_flags Keyword: become_flags become_pass string become_user string User you ‘become’ to execute the task Default:"root" Configuration: INI entries: [privilege_escalation]become_user=root ...
I am using Ansible to execute remote java commands on multiple servers using sudo like this ansible -o -i /my/hosts/file myhostname -m shell -a "java -jar myfile.jar" -b --become-user=remote_user --ask-become-pass -k Since ver 2.0.0 of Ansible for some reason it adds "LC_ALL...
add_host: name: "{{ streisand_server.instance_data[0].public_ip }}" groups: streisand-host ansible_user: ubuntu ansible_become: yes - name: Set the streisand_ipv4_address variable set_fact: 0 comments on commit 15920bf Please sign in to comment. Footer...
- hosts: zubt1 tasks: - name: Get current user shell: whoami register: current_user_nobecome - name: Get current user with become is true shell: whoami register: current_user_become become: true - name: Print current user debug:
I’m working on updating an Ansible configuration that was originally developed using Ansible 1 and I’m now running under Ansible 2. When I did this I kept receiving the following error message: Instead of sudo/sudo_user, use become/become_user and make sure become_method is ‘sudo’ (de...
ansibleprivilegeselevated-privileges 7 我需要理解ansible的remote_user和become_user之间的区别,考虑到playbook将在本地或远程运行。 区别如下: - hosts: all become: yes become_user: user1 - hosts: all remote_user: user1 如果服务器之间设置了ssh密钥,会有什么不同吗?