AMS 2175 铸件、分类及其检验 AMS 2175 -5- 1 范围 1.1目的 此标准规定了金属铸件无损检测的检测方法、抽样频次和验收标准。 1.2应用性 该标准典型用于建筑铸件,但是其用途已经不仅仅限于此。 1.2.1铸造方法:本标准适用于除高压模铸外的所有铸造方法,关于高压模铸参考 8.3。 1.2.2铸造合金:本标准适用于表 6 ...
d.4类不包括在类别1与类别2在内的,且安全系数大于200%的一类铸件 1.3.2级别(Grade):铸件或者铸件的截面应当是分为以下几个级别的: a.A级具有最高质量级别的铸件或者铸件的某些部位,其允许的不连续性最少,且很难生产,只能在特定的场所进行生产; b.B级铸件或铸件的某些部位质量要求次高,允许比A级稍多一点的...
d.4类不包括在类别1与类别2在内的,且安全系数大于200%的一类铸件 1.3.2级别(Grade):铸件或者铸件的截面应当是分为以下几个级别的: a.A级具有最高质量级别的铸件或者铸件的某些部位,其允许的不连续性最少,且很难生 产,只能在特定的场所进行生产;
whilethe"CastingGrade"controlstheacceptancecriteria(see3.1and3.4). 1.3.1Classes: Class1-Acasting,thesinglefailureofwhichwouldendangerthelivesofoperating personnel,orcausethelossofamissile,aircraft,orothervehicle. AMS2175SAEAMS2175 -2- 1.3.1(Continued): ...
If the grade of casting is not indicated on the drawing or other contractual document, Grade C shall apply, except for Class 4 castings, where Grade D shall apply. Class 1 Casting Requirements: All areas of Class 1 castings shall be of a quality equivalent to, or better than, Grade C,...
3.7.1当满意标准没被指定时,应遵循AMS-STD-2175的Grade C。 3.7.2检验方法和频率应由买方和卖方协调一致。可选择AMS-STD-2175标准中的“Casting Class”制定检验方法和频率。 3.7.3铸件应在射线检验控制下生产。这种控制应对铸件进行100%的射线检验,直至确立操作控制要素(4.4.2),以保证生产出合格铸件。除非买方特...
AMS 2175 may be used to specify acceptance standards (casting grade) and frequency of inspection (casting class). When acceptance standards are not specified, Grade C of AMS 2175 as applicable to steel castings shall apply for each specified method of inspection. Castings shall not be peened, ...
3.7.1 When acceptance standards are not specified, Grade C of AMS-STD-2175 shall apply. 3.7.2 Methods of inspection and frequency of inspection shall be as agreed upon by purchaser and vendor. A “Casting Class” of AMS-STD-2175 may be selected to specify the method and ...