Jan Braune , Kathrin Rieger, et al. Relapse of NPM1-Mutated AML with Extramedullary Manifestation 17 Years after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Hindawi Case Reports in Hematology Volume 2022, Article ID 3317936, 3 pages...
A subset of cases of AML with biallelic mutation of CEBPA have an abnormal karyotype. Similarly to in AML with mutated NPM1, del(9q) is common among this group and does not appear to influence prognosis. Therefore, detection of biallelic mutation of CEBPA and del(9q) should not place a ...
CD123, and CD110 expression are common. HLA―DR is often negative. Two major subgroups of AML with mutated NPM1 have been described: one with an immature myeloid immunophenotypic profile and one with a monocytic (CD36+, CD64+, CD14+) ...
Wild-type NPM1 is normally localized to the nucleus, whereas mutant NPM1 proteins exhibit altered cytoplasmic localization. Clinically, AML with mutated NPM1 without FLT3 -ITD is associated with a higher complete remission rate and improved overall survival. AML with mutated NPM1 is categorized as...
郑素洁 :根据WHO2016版(修订版)急性髓系白血病分型,这个患者诊断AML with mutated NPM1 茹进伟:请教一下NPM1突变的AML形态和流式有什么特点? 郑素洁 :之前看过一些文献,NPM1基因突变多见于正常核型的AML患者,M1和M5多见,患者高龄、高白,CD34和CD117低表达。
on this data, the ICC created this new category and elimi nated AML-MRC defned solely by morphologic dyspla sia and merged the prior category of AML with mutated RUNX1 into this group (Fig. 1). RUNX1 mutations in AML were already well known to be associated with prior therapy ...
NPM1 mut relapse occurred significantly earlier than NPM1 wt relapse (14 vs 43 months, P = .004). At diagnosis, FLT3-ITD were more frequent in patients with NPM1 mut relapse (P = .029), whereas DNMT3A mutations were more frequent in patients with NPM1 wt relapse (P = .035). ...
郑素洁 :根据WHO2016版(修订版)急性髓系白血病分型,这个患者诊断AML with mutated NPM1 茹进伟:请教一下NPM1突变的AML形态和流式有什么特点? 郑素洁 :之前看过一些文献,NPM1基因突变多见于正常核型的AML患者,M1和M5多见,患者高龄、高白,CD34和CD117低表达。 王哲:AML伴NPM1突变是2016版AML与相关肿瘤类型中的...
Schnittger S, Bacher U, Haferlach C, Alpermann T, Dicker F, Sundermann J, Kern W, Haferlach T (2011) Characterization of NPM1-mutated AML with a history of myelodysplastic syndromes or myeloproliferative neoplasms. Leukemia 25:615–621
(nucleophosmin,NPM1)突变是目前AML中最常见的基因突变之一 [ 1 ] ;是导致白血病发生的主要分子事件之一 [ 2 ] ;与原发性AML密切相关,然而在继发AML中却偶有发生 [ 3 ] ;多分布在M3、M4EO、M7以外的其他AML各亚型中,多累及染色体核型正常的患者,且与疾病的发生、发展密切相关 [ 2 , 4 ] ,因此NPMl突变...