针对您遇到的“host registration aborted. ambari agent host cannot reach ambari server 'p-j'”问题,我将根据提供的提示点逐一分析和解答,由于此问题主要涉及网络配置和服务状态,因此不涉及具体的代码片段,但我会提供检查和配置的指导思路。 1. 确认Ambari Agent和Ambari Server之间的网络连接是否正常 检查网络连通...
Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'localhost.localdomain:8080' Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost.localdomain) does not match expected ambari server hostname 1.查看各个节点的hostname hostname -f 2.检查各个节点的hosts文件 sudo vim /etc/hosts # 检查IP对应的hostname是否正确 # 以下...
Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'localhost:8080'. 1. 2. 我看了一下错误日志发现在从ambari-server传送到客户端的setupAgent.py脚本的main函数中的参数设置老是不对,如下所示: 156defmain(argv=None):157scriptDir=os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(argv[0]))158# Parse the input159onlyarg...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Host registration aborted. Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'loc的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Host registration aborted. Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'loc问答内容。更多Host
修改完成后ambari-agent restart重启试试,应该可以。 2、Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'localhost:8080'. 从ambari-server传送到客户端的setupAgent.py脚本的main函数中的参数设置不对,直接在master节点上修改setupAgent.py文件的: vim /usr/lib/ambari-server/lib/ambari_server/setupAgent.py ...
Host registration aborted. Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'jq70:8080'. Please check the network connectivity between the Ambari Agent host and the Ambari Server ### ### AI Cloud! ### ### Authorized only. All activity will be monitored and reported! ### ##...
If you configuring multinode cluster then the problem was the agents in different nodes couldn't execute the callback cause they couldn't reach ambari-server url in that port. Maybe this isssue is related to ports 8440 and 8441 in the ambari-server host. Please open this port ...
"description" : "This host-level alert is triggered if the Kafka Broker cannot be determined to be up.", "enabled" : true, "id" : 47, "ignore_host" : false, "interval" : 1, "label" : "Kafka Broker Process", "name" : "kafka_broker_process", ...
1.2. Architecture The Ambari Server serves as the collection point for data from across your cluster. Each host has a copy of the Ambari Agent - either installed automatically by the Install wizard or 1 Hortonworks Data Platform Aug 19, 2013 manually - which allows the Ambari Se...
提示ambari:sslhandshakeException: Client requested protocol TLSv1 not enabled or not supported ambari 是因为jre配置问题,修改ambari-server的jre配...