ERROR 2017-12-03 20:10:20,023 - SSLError: Failed to connect. Please check openssl library versions. Refer to: for more details. INFO 2017-12-03 20:10:20,023 - Server at
ambari-agent无法向ambari-server注册 代码语言:javascript 复制 Registeringwiththe server...Registrationwiththe server failed.If the output says openssl-1.0.1e-15.x86_64(1.0.1build15)you will need to upgrade the OpenSSL library by running the following command: 更新下openssl后恢复 代码语言:javascript...
Registration with the server failed. [/code] 解决方案(谷歌比百度好用) /etc/ambari-agent/conf修改ambari.ini文件 We have over come the problem by adding following option to security section in...
Ambari host registration with server failed with Registration with the server failed. Labels: Labels: Apache Ambari s_ambardekar Contributor Created 02-22-2017 06:41 AM Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mute Subscribe to RSS Feed Permalink Print Report Inappropriate Conte...
Registration with the server failed. 解决方法: 一下是官方论坛中给出的方法,很好 Platforms: RHEL / CentOS 6.5 Ambari 1.4 or later Root Cause:The OpenSSL library available and installed by default on RHEL/CentOS 6.5 has a bug. Refer to de...
Registration with the server failed. 1、vi /etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini [security]位置下添加force_https_protocol=PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 2、vi /etc/locale.conf 改为: LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="en_US:en" 3、vi /etc/python/cert-verification.cfg 改为: [https] verify=disable 或...
JDK Changes Causing Ambari Server/Agent Registrati... Registration host failed because of ambari-agent p... How to resolve SSL error upon host registration wi... Ambari Registration with the server failed. Ambari-Agent registration Ambari Confirm hosts failed Community...
注:如果你是在RHEL6.5系统上使用Ambari 1.4或更老版本部署HDP,你可能会看到在进行集群安装向导操作到Confirm Hosts 这一步时,注册Ambari Agents 失败了。单击页面上的Failed连接会展示出这个Agent日志。下面的日志信息展示的是在registration期间Agent和Server进行ssl连接失败的信息: ...
3. 怎么在没有网络的情况下设置安装源进行安装ambari-server和ambari-agent - 参考答案1 4. 怎么在...