Ambari Agent host cannot reach Ambari Server 'localhost.localdomain:8080' Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost.localdomain) does not match expected ambari server hostname 1.查看各个节点的hostname hostname -f 2.检查各个节点的hosts文件 sudo vim /etc/hosts # 检查IP对应的hostname是否正确 # 以下...
代码语言:javascript 复制 ambari agent machinehostname(node11)does not match expected ambari serverhostname(192.168.XX.XX). 这是因为ambari-agent 在注册时,默认会获取主机主机名,并使用主机名向ambari-server注册。 5、choose service 选择你要安装的服务,我这里选择:HDFS、Yarn、zookeeper、HBase 6、Assign m...
Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost.localdomain) does not match expected ambari server hostname (node1). Aborting registration. Please check hostname, hostname -f and /etc/hosts file to confirm your hostname is setup correctly 一台主机名不对(漏掉了),改名即可 #三台从机上会出现/var/lib/... Connectingtohttps://vm-100-2-centos:8440/caERROR2020-12-2612:43:48, Ambari agent machine hostname (vm-100-5-centos) doesnotmatch expected ambari server hostname (vm-100-5-centos.localdomain). Aborting...
7、检查/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini中 hostname是否和主机名字一致 如果报错: Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost.localdomain) does not match expected ambari server hostname (data-clean01.wanlvtech). Aborting registration. Please check hostname, hostname -f and /etc/hosts file to...
Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost.localdomain) does not match expected ambari server hostname (xxx). 后来修改的/etc/hosts文件中 修改前: xxx localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 xxx localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 ...
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname node1 我这里是把3台主机名分别修改为node1、node,实际部署时只会全部部署到一个docker(节约资源)。容器id(7153911bede2)--ambari-base-local::node1器id(673bdc7ecffb)--ambari-base-local::node2器id(7e8902bae9a2)...
If, after changing the JDK, you experience issues with communication between Ambari Server and Ambari Agents, refer to Java/Python updates and Ambari >Agent TLS settings in Acceldata Community Connection for more information. Additionally if customer certificates were imported into the previous JDK’s...
2. If you want to let Ambari automatically install the Ambari Agent on all your hosts using SSH, select Provide your SSH Private Key and either use the Choose File button in the Host Registration Information section to find the private key file that matches the public key you installed ...
5.3在认证机器(Confirm Hosts)的时候出现错误Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost) does not match expected ambari server hostname Ambari配置时在Confirm Hosts的步骤时,中间遇到一个很奇怪的问题:总是报错误: Ambari agent machine hostname (localhost.localdomain) does not match expected ambari server host...