该研究计划共纳入全球受试者254 名,境内 20 名,2022 年 11 月已完成首例受试者的入组工作。 ALXN1720-MG-301试验历史时光轴 Gefurulimab(ALXN 1720) 是第三代 C5 抑制剂,是一种迷你双抗(25kD),只包含了靶向 C5 的抗体重链可变区(VH)和与白蛋白(Albumin)特异性结合的抗体片段。较小的分子量可以带来更...
Generation and in vitro properties of ALXN1720 a bispecific VHH antibody against complement C5 designed for subcutaneous administration. Poster presentation at the 28th International Complement Virtual Workshop, December 6-10, 2021. (Poster A50). 1 Present address: Takeda Development Center Americas, ...
Gefurulimab ALXN1720 Bispecific VHH antibody Complement-mediated disorders Complement component C5 and albumin 1. Introduction The complement system is involved in a variety of functions, including the opsonization and lysis of pathogens and the removal of abnormal host cells. The system comprises the...
ALXN1720注射液的适应症是全身型重症肌无力。 此药物由不适用/ 阿斯利康全球研发(中国)有限公司生产并提出实验申请,[实验的目的] 主要目的:根据MG-ADL总评分的变化,评估ALXN1720与安慰剂相比治疗gMG的有效性 关键次要目的:根据QMG总评分的变化,评估ALXN1720与安慰剂相比治疗gMG的有效性 次要目的:根据QMG总评分的改善...