Dialog page:Options for PCB Project, Class Generation tab As well as component and connective data, you can also generate and synchronize classes and design rules when you perform aDesign » Update PCB. To learn more about generation and synchronization of classes from the schematic, see theGen...
一、创建工程与原理图文件 1、通过菜单创建PCB工程 (1)File - New - Project - PCB Project,即可在当前工作区创建新的PCB工程 (2)新建工程并不直接在硬盘中创建文件,需要保存:在工程面板中,右键单击新建的工程名 - Save Project,在弹出的对话框中,
右键结束指令. Note : 页面符号连同输入输出端口可以通过指令来创建,指令为 Design » Create SheetSymbol From Sheet or HDL. Synchronize Sheet Entries and Ports, 指令 (可在设计菜单或是右键选择菜单找到此指令) 可以同步页面符号输入输出端口与底层图纸的连接端口。 4 Sheet Entries的使用,页面输入输出端口使用...
If design changes have been made to the schematic, always resynchronize the schematic and PCB before performing a power analysis. Learn more about Managing Design Changes between the Schematic and PCB. If you prefer to learn by watching, then why not check out the How To Work with Power ...
当子图纸中的端口与图纸入口不匹配(包括名字和IO类型)时,可以通过“Design》Synchronize Sheet Entries and Ports”来同步,如图3: 图3 选中不同步的端口,若想改变子图纸的端口,使其与图表符匹配,则选中间的 图标(第一个);相反就选第二个。 1.3.2重命名图表符对应的子图纸 ...
5)I/O端口图4- 1层次电路方框图 4.1层次原理图设计2.自下而上的层次原理图设计【例4- 1】AVR单片机串口通信显示控制电路1.绘制底层子原理图1)执行菜单命令File→New→PCB Project,建立新项目文件,另存为“Project_Chapter4-1.PrjPcb”。2)执行菜单命令File→New→Schematic,在新建的项目文件中新建4个原理图...
Design Synchronization Tools: Worry Less About Schematic and Layout De-Sync Drawing out your next great idea on the back of an envelope is much easier than drawing out a PCB by hand. This is where PCB software becomes important and is used to take your design all the way to production. ...
图11 -31 绘制完成的上层方块图 8. 检查是否同步, 也就是方块图入口与端口之间是否匹配, 选择菜单“Design”→“Synchronize Sheet Entries and Ports”命令, 如果方块图入口与端口之间匹配, 则显示对话框“Synchronize Ports to Sheet Entries In 层次原理图设计. PrjPCB”, 告知“All Sheet symbols are matched...
子电路图中放置连接电路的输入/子电路图中放置连接电路的输入/输出端口,(2)单击主菜单 “File”→“New”→“Schematic”命令新建一个默认名称为“Sheet1.SchDoc”的空白原理图文档。将它另存为“Sub3.SchDoc”(如图11-19所示)。东南大学 图11-19新建Sub3.SchDoc •(3)在“Sub3.SchDoc”原理图文档...