2、导入已有的原理图 3、新建pcb 二、原理图分析 1、常规检查 (1)ALT+左键 对网络高亮 (2)报告设置 右键*.prjpcb->project options (3)编译 右键->第一个(右下角system里调出message) 几点注意: 1、线连接的报错可能是用了箭头中的线 2、如何修改原理图库 design->make schematic 三、pcb库导入及原件封...
单击右图所示的图标(Place Polygon Plane) 出现下图所示的窗口 选择好网络 (GND),选择 好层(底层和 顶层需要铺铜)勾上Remove Over All Same Net Objects 去除死铜 在顶层和底层都 铺上铜 这里有个小小知识,就是不用原理图可以直接在pcb布线,首先设置电气属性,如下所示: 进入了Netlist Manager后点击add后在Net ...
Make sure that all component parameters are consistent with template values; otherwise, you will not be able to save the component to the next revision. Defining Multiple Footprints The Component Template Editor also provides support for defining multiple PCB footprints as part of a component ...
When you place the footprint on a PCB, all objects that make up the footprint will be assigned to their defined layers. 2D and 3D views of a footprint for a joystick component. The 3D image shows the imported STEP model for the component. Note that the pads and component overlay can...
Design>>Make PCB Library https://www.altium.com/documentation/altium-designer/makelib-cmd-buildpcblibrarybuildpcblibrary-ad 保存.PcbLib文件,然后保存项目。.PcbLib应自动被添加到项目中。 在PCB仍然处于打开状态并且位于焦点位置时:执行Design>>Import Changes From [Project Name],查看ECO中发生了哪些变化,以...
在PCB编辑环境中,执行菜单命令DesignMake PCB Library,系统则在项目下生成“低频小信号放大电路.PcbLib”封装集成库文件,如图7-8-1所示,然后进行保存。图7-8-1 创建完成后的PCB封装库7.9 在PCB文件中快速查找有关内容 PCB文件中如果元器件较多,在布局以及布线工 47、作中常需要快速查找某个元件、网络、焊盘、...
Now let’s make sure that the schematic checks out OK using the checking process in Altium Designer’s PCB schematic editor. To do this we will want to compile the schematic which will generate all the internal details of the design such as connectivity mapping between components and nets. Wh...
The world’s most trusted PCB design system. Explore Solutions Having solved all the problems of components, you can create a “Sheet Library:” it will contain all the components and it will be easier to make changes in the future.
Calculated values can also be shown on the schematic once an Operating Point analysis has been run. The simulation result document will include the calculations of the probe placed in the circuit. Values are automatically calculated for all nodes in the circuit. Additional values can be added to...
3:可以从工程导出为原理图库和PCB库 如下图打开一个工程,在标题栏中选择Design—Make Schematic Library,即可把当前工程中所打开的原理图中的器件导出成原理图库。 上图中是导出的POWER这个原理图库。 上面讲了三种常用的制作原理图库的方法,有时在晚上找不到合适的原理图库,可以自己画,这样更加快速。