This is a one-way transfer and the passed parameters are read-only in the PCB domain. The parameter transfer is done by creating an ECO from the schematic to PCB with the Design » Update PCB Document menu command. When the ECO is executed (by using the Execute Changes button), ...
PCB layout. Step 2 involves using the schematic editor to import the board into a blank PCB layout. You'll need to create a new PCB file in your current project, and then use the schematic editor to import footprints for your components into your new PCB. In Step 3, you'll define a...
In both the schematic and PCB design space, the links are accessed from the right-click context menu when hovering over a component (under theReferencessub-menu options). The specialized parameters are added in thePropertiespanel, and when transferred to the PCB space, they appear as a componen...
下载安装ADb. 新建一个PC工程:文件——>new——>project——>PCB c. 新建一个原理图:文件——>new——>schematic d. 导入基本元件库:libraries——>Available Libraries——>Installe from file——>选两个.IntLib文件 打开 e. 查找元件: (eg.电阻)选Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib——>下面写res——>再下面...
2操作步骤(1)在Altium Designer 14主界面中执行菜单命令FileNewProject.PCB Project命令,新建一 30、个PCB工程文件,保存为“低频小信号放大电路. PrjPCB”到指定文件夹下。执行菜单命令FileNewSchematic,新建一个原理图,将其保存为“低频小信号放大电路.SchDoc”到指定文件夹。(2)在原理图编辑环境中绘制低频小信号...
子图设计完成à创建原理图(可命名为top)à在工作区间单击右键àsheet actionsàcreate sheet symbol from sheet or HDLà在弹出的对话框中选择子图à确定。 原理图生成PCB 1、原理图设计完成后编译,检查是否有误,如有直至修改无误为止; 2、建立PCB文件并保存; ...
Another fundamental step to create a coherent project is to validate all the footprints of the project through the Footprint Manager. In fact, each component of the schematic should have a footprint within the project's PCBLib library.
在原理图绘图窗口,Design 菜单下,Make Schematic Library 生成原理图库,Make Intergrated Library 生成集成库, 放置总线 来放置总线,点击Place BUS,画出一段总线见右图。根据最下面提示,可只Shift+Space可以 更改总线方向,我们按住更换方向, 在放置总线入口,在place菜单下 或者点击右上角的快捷图标。 然后我们再给总线...
1、原理图与PCB图鼠标滚轮放大与缩小 2、项目的建立与相关设置 3、元件垂直、水平镜像翻转 4、保存一...