可变剪接(Alternative Splicing, AS,也称选择性剪接)是一种受调控的过程,通过以不同的组合连接和跳跃外显子,多个蛋白质由单个基因编码。 在人类中,可变剪接增强了基因组编码的蛋白质的多样性,这占多外显子基因的 95%。 在《急性PM2.5净化对认知功能的影响及其潜在机制》研究中,可变剪接(Alternative Splicing, AS)...
Overall, the findings of Jacobs and Elmer (2021) highlight the importance of alternative splicing as a potential mechanism underlying local adaptation and provide a framework for others hoping to make the most of their RNA-seq data.doi:10.1111/mec.16177Sarah J. Salisbury...
Alternative Splicing of CHI3L1: A New Regulatory Mechanism for Protein Secretion and Its Significance in Post - transcriptional Regulation 《Genes & Genomics》:Alternative splicing of CHI3L1 regulates protein secretion through conformational changes 编辑推荐: 为探究几丁质酶 3 样蛋白 1(CHI3L1)分泌的调控机制...
1) alternative splicing mechanism 互斥剪接机制 2) Access control algorithm 互斥机制 例句>> 3) Mutex lock mechanism 互斥锁机制 4) mutual exclusive mechanism 同步互斥机制 例句>> 5) splicing mechanism 剪接机制 1. Existing data was used for an initial study of the splicing and alternativesplicing me...
可变剪接(Alternative splicing,AS)在通过产生结构不同的异构体来调节蛋白质功能方面起着至关重要的作用。研究旨在识别几丁质酶 3 样蛋白 1(Chitinase 3 - like 1,CHI3L1)中的一种新的剪接事件,该事件通过构象变化调节其分泌。研究人员利用基因型 - 组织表达(GTEx)数据集分析 CHI3L1 的可变剪接;使用逆转录聚合酶链...
Splicing segregation: the minor spliceosome acts outside the nucleus and controls cell proliferation. Cell 131, 718–729 (2007). PubMed Google Scholar Chen, L. et al. The augmented R-loop is a unifying mechanism for myelodysplastic syndromes induced by high-risk splicing factor mutations. Mol...
Other splicing factors involving 3′-splice site recognition such as U2AF1 and SRSF2 have also been reported to harbor somatic mutations associated with MDS [73], [74]. The detailed mechanism and pathways of aberrant splicing in cancer progression have been reported and discussed extensively in ...
one of which being gene splicing. Onegene splicing definitionis the mechanism by which the portions of RNA that translate to amino acids in proteins are isolated (exons) through the removal of genetic regions that do not code for amino acids (introns). Below is a picture depicting this process...
These include the recruitment of splicing factors to the transcribing polymerase and "kinetic coupling", which involves changes in the rate of transcriptional elongation that in turn affect the timing in which splice sites are presented to the splicing machinery. The recruitment mechanism may depend ...
Alternative splicing is another mechanism that gives rise to various isoforms of proteins from a single mRNA, that differ from each other only in specific domains. In humans, approximately, 95% of genes undergo splicing [37]. This change can affect the function of a protein, its localization,...