We successfully constructed the alternative splicing database of Aspergillus flavus with expressed sequence tags. By expanding Aspergillus flavus protein database with the newly constructed alternative splicing sequences, eleven isoforms which did not appear in original protein database were identified based...
we have developed a pan-cancer database named AS-CMC (Alternative Splicing for Cancer Molecular Classification). This is a novel database for allowing users to browse
We extracted data on splice-mediated protein isoforms from Alternative Splicing Database (ASD) [26] as available from http://www.ebi.ac.uk/asd. Release 3 [27] of the ASD database for homo sapiens was used for the current study; the data set was cleaned for redundant protein isoform sequ...
The Alternative Splicing Mutation Database (ASMD) presents a collection of all known mutations inside human exons which affect splicing enhancers and silencers and cause changes in the alternative splicing pattern of the corresponding genes. An algorithm
Alternative splicing (AS) represents a crucial method in mRNA level to regulate gene expression and contributes to the protein complexity. Abnormal splicing has been reported to play roles in several diseases, including cancers. We developed the OncoSplicing database for visualization of survival-associ...
With this updated database, users can easily identify potential RBPs responsible for the queried AS event and obtain sequences to design AS-specific primers and minigene constructs for experiment validation. Overall, compared to the previous version, the substantially updated OncoSplicing database ( ...
Alternative splicing (AS) is pervasive in mammalian genomes, yet cross-species comparisons have been largely restricted to adult tissues and the functionality of most AS events remains unclear. We assessed AS patterns across pre- and postnatal developmen
Alternative splicing (AS) can significantly impact the transcriptome and proteome of a eukaryotic cell. Here, using transcriptome and proteome profiling data, we analyzed AS in two life forms of the model moss Physcomitrella patens, namely protonemata an
In addition to the tissue-specific splicing patterns as identified in normal samples from colon, bladder, and prostate (Table I and Fig. 2), our exon array data indicated tumor-specific alternative splicing of TPM1 in both prostate and bladder cancers (Fig. 3A) as evidenced by two mutually ...
these transcriptomic quantifications and associated features are all made publicly available throughPastDB(Plant alternative splicing and transcription Data Base;pastdb.crg.eu), the first web resource forA. thalianaintegrating gene expression and AS profiles with multiple layers of genomic and regulatory ...