回答 1. 解释“alter non string type not supported”错误信息的含义 “alter non string type not supported”这个错误信息通常出现在尝试修改数据库表结构时,尤其是在使用某些数据库管理系统(DBMS)的特定工具或命令时。这个错误表明你试图更改一个非字符串(如整数、日期、浮点数等)类型的列,但是你所使用的操作或...
MySQL [test]> alter table t2 modify column id varchar(32); ERROR 1235 (0A000): Alter non string type not supported 暂不支持后面再调整字段顺序,仅新建字段时支持调整顺序。 MySQL [test]> alter table t1 add column `time` date default null; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.021 sec) MySQL ...
NonTransactedFileStreamAccess NullableConstraintDefinition NullIfExpression NullLiteral NullNotNull NumericLiteral OdbcConvertSpecification OdbcFunctionCall OdbcLiteral OdbcLiteralType OdbcQualifiedJoinTableReference OffsetClause OnFailureAuditOption OnlineIndexLowPriority...
Although the high water mark is lowered, the size of the table space is not reduced. This must be followed by an ALTER TABLESPACE REDUCE for automatic storage table spaces or ALTER TABLESPACE REDUCE with the db-container-clause or all-containers-clause for non-automatic storage table spaces. ...
Quoted identifiers do not have to follow the Transact-SQL rules for identifiers. They can be keywords and can include characters not generally allowed in Transact-SQL identifiers. If a single quotation mark (') is part of the literal string, it can be represented by double quotation marks ("...
NonTransactedFileStreamAccess NullableConstraintDefinition NullIfExpression NullLiteral NullNotNull NumericLiteral OdbcConvertSpecification OdbcFunctionCall OdbcLiteral OdbcLiteralType OdbcQualifiedJoinTableReference OffsetClause OnFailureAuditOption OnlineIndexLowPriorityLockWaitOption OnlineIndexO...
if the column is not nullable, the default depends on the data type of the column: Data typeDefault value Numeric 0 Fixed-length character or graphic string Blanks Fixed-length binary string Hexadecimal zeros Varying-length string A string length of 0 Date For existing rows, a date correspond...
The ALTER DISTKEY command is not supported for relations with interleaved sort keys. If the distribution style was previously defined as AUTO, then the relation is no longer a candidate for automatic table optimization. When specifying DISTSTYLE KEY, the data is distributed by the values in th...
table_name | table_name } { ALTER COLUMN column_name { [ type_schema_name. ] type_name [ ( { precision [ , scale ] } ) ] [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ NULL | NOT NULL ] } | ALTER INDEX index_name { [ type_schema_name. ] type_name REBUILD [ [ NONCLUSTERED ] WITH ( ...
] type_name [ ( { precision [ , scale ] } ) ] [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ NULL | NOT NULL ] } | ALTER INDEX index_name { [ type_schema_name. ] type_name REBUILD [ [ NONCLUSTERED ] WITH ( BUCKET_COUNT = bucket_count ) ] } | ADD { <column_definition> | <computed_...