【问题描述】执行语句报错,ALTER TABLE bank_flow_extract MODIFY COLUMN trade_amount DECIMAL(18, 2) NULL; 报错信息: [Not supported feature or function] 【复现路径】问题出现前后相关操作 【附件及日志】推荐使用OceanBase敏捷诊断工具obdiag收集诊断信息,详情参见链接(右键跳转查看): 【SOP系列 22 】——故障...
After the data is imported or exported, reset the system parameter to the initial value, for example, ALTER SYSTEM SET open_cursors = 65535;. If the schema of a table has been changed in OceanBase Database V4.0.0 or later, you cannot use OBDUMPER to export the baseline data, namely ...
OceanBase Database V3.2.4 or later, set the system parameteropen_cursorsto a large value. Otherwise, an error may occur during the import or export. After the data is imported or exported, reset the system parameter to the initial value, for example,ALTER SYSTEM SET open_cursors = 65535;...
(see-Svs.-SToutput). Another important option in these cases, when jumbo frames are not supported by the network, is-j. This will disable all jumbo datagram sizes and prevent any possible IP fragmentation. This can happen with a very underpowered device when the server, attempting to drive ...
We have previously demonstrated that insulin-resistant SkM from diet-induced-obese (DIO) mice released SkM-ELVs able to alter the expression of markers of myotube terminal differentiation (i.e.; decrease Myog and Myod1 expressions), but did not alter AKT phosphorylation in response to insulin...
Because the ampersand character is within single quotes, it is not interpreted and is considered part of the file name. Running Multiple obtool Commands Non-Interactively To run multiple obtool commands in non-interactive mode, separate the commands with a semicolon. When used in this manner, ...
db_create_online_log_dest_5 string 指定后 SQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest= 2 'd:\oracle\oradb'; 系统已更改。 SQL> create tablespace test1; 表空间已创建。 SQL> show parameter db_create; NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --- db_create_file_dest string d:\oracle\oradb db_create_...
You can, however, modify test options that alter the way tests run to suit your testing needs. There are three levels where you control test options: System-level options--control the testing attributes of all devices. This is the highest level, applying all your options globally. When you...
After the data is imported or exported, reset the system parameter to the initial value, for example, ALTER SYSTEM SET open_cursors = 65535;. If the schema of a table has been changed in OceanBase Database V4.0.0 or later, you cannot use OBDUMPER to export the baseline data obtained ...
from OceanBase Database V3.2.4 or later, set theopen_cursorssystem parameter to a large value. Otherwise, an error may occur during the import or export. After the data is imported or exported, reset the system parameter to the initial value, such asALTER SYSTEM SET open_cursors = 65535;...