a XRD diffraction pattern with peak position annotation, b the X-ray rocking curve of symmetric (0001) reflection, c Raman spectra; the illustration is an enlarged view of E2(High), d the XPS survey scan, and the fitted XPS fine scans of e Al2p and f N1s Full size image Micro-area...
When the AlN thickness was 0.7nm, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra showed the dominant peak associated with Al-O bonds, along with no clear AlN peak. The amount of remained oxygen atoms near the GaN surface was found to decrease for the thicker AlN. However, many oxygen atoms...
Beneath AlN, an AlON intermediate layer is proposed as the result of the substitution of O by N in Al2O3, which has been verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)26 and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)19. The AlN/AlON stepwise structure will effectively relieve the lattice ...
The optical and electrical properties and surface morphology as well as elemental composition of the AlN films deposited with and without ZnO buffer layer were investigated using a host of measurement techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy, ...
{G_z}} \right|^2\)image Fourier composition of the oscillating\(B_{k_z}\left( z \right)\)term of\(\psi _{{\mathrm{QWS}}}\)(modulated byhv-dependent photoelectron transmission through the AlGaN/AlN layer) and the peak shapes are related to the Fourier transform of theE(z) term ...
Fig. 6. XPS profile of sample S9 obtained during 400 s of sputtering. Considering the stronger effect of the applied power on the film structure, the results above can be explained in terms of an increase in the sputtered particle energy and flux as power increases, which results in higher...
By measuring peak areas of the N and Al cores, the ration of N/Al was equal to 0.90 and close to chemical stoichiometry, thus the samples can be formulated as AlN. Except for Al, N, C and O, there are no others presented in the XPS spectrum, which means that the ...
However, the analysis was challenging due to peak overlaps and strong charging effects. In this paper, we discuss the approaches to solve these challenges for quantification of the depth profile results and show how besides some limitations both elemental and chemical information can be collected.doi...
XPS analysis of corroded AlN on Al-6061 revealed aluminum compounds, sodium, NaCl, and oxidation products, aligning with SEM/EDS results and confirming the coating's effectiveness in mitigating corrosion. Carbon and oxygen were the most abundant elements by weight and peak area. Overall, this ...
Analysis on the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra showed the better AlN formation near the AlN/GaN interface with a 24 nm thick AlN. The dominant peak shift to lower binding energy in the Al 2p core level spectra was observed with increasing the AlN thickness, which could be ...