Configure an easy-to-remember string of characters as the alias for a command or command keyword. By doing this, you only need to enter the alias when you want to run the command. For example, if you define the alias for display as show, you only need to enter the show command instea...
Long version This just happened to me and just to make sure I follow you, you just did this OpenGit Shell You are prompted to updateGitHub After the update,Git Shellopens Now it gives the error git command could not be found. Please create an alias or add it to your PATH. Warning: ...
about_Command_Syntax about_Comment_Based_Help about_CommonParameters about_Comparison_Operators about_Continue about_Core_Commands about_Data_Files about_Data_Sections about_Debuggers about_Do about_Enum about_Environment_Provider about_Environment_Variables ...
Create a new alias by using theAliasName=Stringparameter pair. When the shell encounters an alias on the command line or in a shell script, it substitutes the definition supplied by the string. TheStringvariable can contain any valid shell text. Enclose the value of theStringvariable in single...
For example, type the command below to createfrenameas an alias for thefile_rename.shbashscript located in the user's home directory: alias frename='/home/[user]/'Copy Create Permanent Alias in Linux To make an alias permanent, add it to the shell configuration file. Differ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于alias 参数的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及alias 参数问答内容。更多alias 参数相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
Just a small tool to help me (and you but without any guaranty) to create command alias and sub-aliases (multi word alias) - adoy/cmdalias
1、打开Command Prompt(命令提示符界面) 方法一:在开始菜单搜索框输入cmd→Command Prompt(命令提示符) 方法二:按【Win+R】快捷键→输入cmd→OK 2、输入查询命令ipconfig查看 win10 快捷键 - 采矿篇 ( 项目开发)-win10常用组合键快捷键(Win+ X ) + A先Win+X,然后全部松开,再摁下A 【含义】:以管理员身...
aliasstring Optional. The complete command name or existing alias and any parameters that you want to create as an alias. If no value is supplied for aliasstring, the alias name and alias string for the specified alias displays.Switches/...
alias g='git'alias gr='git rm -rf'alias gs='git status'alias ga='g add'alias gc='git commit -m'alias gp='git push origin master'alias gl='git pull origin master'##15-other alias ping="time ping"alias nocomment='grep -Ev "^(#|$)"'alias tf='tail -f '...