同时通过模型预测了LPD合金的各向异性蠕变变形,与T4合金LPD合金具有较大的蠕变成形性和较强的蠕变各向异性。 相关研究成果以“Strong in-plane anisotropy of creep ageingbehavior in largely pre-deformed Al-Cu alloy: Experiments and constitutive modeling”为题发表在International Journal of Plasticity上(Volume 152...
网络释义 1. 铝铜合金 在线英语词典,英文翻译,科技词典,专业词典,... ... 铝脱氧: Aluminium-deoxidizing铝铜合金:Al-Cu alloy铝铁合金: Fe-Cr mel… www.dictall.com|基于8个网页
网络合金 网络释义 1. 合金 Al-5.7%Cu合金,Al-5.7%Cu... ... ) Al-Cu alloy 合金 )Al-Cu alloys合金) Al Cu alloy 合金 ... www.dictall.com|基于2个网页 释义: 全部,合金
相关论文以题为“Aging behavior and strengthening mechanisms of coarsening resistant metastable θ' precipitates in an Al-Cu alloy”发表在Materials and Design。 论文链接: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109378 ACMZ合金通过重力楔形铸造制备,实测成分为:Al-6.7Cu-0.45Mn-0.18Zr(wt%)。将铸态合金...
Rolled al - cu - alloy product having a high viscosity and an improved strength, which comprises the following composition (in% by.-%):Cu 4,5 – 5,5Mg of 0,5 – 1,6Mn ≦ 0,80 and preferably ≦ 0,60Zr ≦ 0,18Cr ≦ 0,18Si ≤ 0,15 and preferably & lt; 0,10Fe ≦ 0,15...
Disclosed is an Al—Cu alloy of the AA2000-series alloys with high toughness and an improved strength, including the following composition (in weight percent) Cu 4.5-5.5,
These lattice parameter changes are related to the internal stress state of the alloy.(这些晶格参数变化与合金的内应力状态有关。)The electrical conductivity of Al-Cu alloys can be affected by solution treatment and aging.(固溶处理和时效会影响铝铜合金的电导率。)The presence of precipitates can ...
相关论文于以题为“Effects of cooling rateand TiC nanoparticles on the microstructure and tensile properties of an Al-Cucast alloy”发表在Materials Science & Engineering A。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2020.139737 本研究实验材料为Al-5wt%Cu二元合金,经电阻炉熔化后注入四个不同冷却...
Al-Cu系铸造铝合金是指以铜为主要合金元素的铸造铝合金。铜的含量范围在1-11%。含铜9%以上的Al-Cu系合金,具有较好的铸造性能,可用于金属型铸造。并具有良好的抛光性能及电镀性能但热处理强化效果不大,力学性能较低。主要用于装饰性零件。 简介 Al-Cu系铸造铝合金是指以铜为主要合金元素的铸造铝合金。优点 ...