利用Al-5Mg合金在非常高应变速率下的低温塑性变形,成功地诱导高密度GBs松弛进入低能态,形成了成分消耗,而不是分离。所得纳米晶Al-5Mg合金具有高硬度和优异的热稳定性,克服了普通铝二元合金在强度和热稳定性之间的平衡。相关研究成果以题为“Thermally stable nanostructured Al-Mg alloy with relaxed grain boundaries”...
该研究以「Towards development of a high-strength stainless Mg alloy with Al-assisted growth of passive film」为题于 2022 年 10 月 3 日发布在《Nature Communications》。 作为最轻的金属结构材料,镁(Mg)合金在工业中具有巨大潜力,轻量化是降低能耗和碳足迹的关键途径,但它们在室温下较差的机械性能和较弱...
近日,同济大学王超研究员团队联合华中科技大学黄云辉教授在Advanced Energy Materials上发表了题为Sustainable Prelithiation Strategy: Enhancing Energy Density and Lifespan with Ultrathin Li-Mg-Al Alloy Foil的研究论文。该文首先基于商用的电池模组数据,计算了不同预锂化程度对电池的循环寿命和服役期间能量密度的影响,...
网络铝镁合金 网络释义 1. 铝镁合金 MG_翻译 ... 合成: Mg-Al complex oxides铝镁合金:Al-Mg alloy铁-镁合金: Fe-Mg alloys ... www.lw23.com|基于12个网页 释义: 全部,铝镁合金
在众多铝合金材料中,传统铸造常见的 Al-Si-Mg 合金是粉末床激光熔化(L-PBF)3D打印中使用和研究最多的合金,因为它们具有良好的激光加工性能。特别是,AlSi7Mg 合金引起了增材制造领域的极大兴趣,因为这一材料的近共晶成分可确保狭窄的凝固范...
利用Al-5Mg合金在非常高应变速率下的低温塑性变形,成功地诱导高密度GBs松弛进入低能态,形成了成分消耗,而不是分离。所得纳米晶Al-5Mg合金具有高硬度和优异的热稳定性,克服了普通铝二元合金在强度和热稳定性之间的平衡。相关研究成果以题为“Thermally stable nanostructured Al-Mg alloy with relaxed grain boundaries...
5052 Aluminum Alloy plate belongs to Al-Mg alloy, is a non-heat treatable alloy with excellent finishing qualities,cold forming has good processing performance, processing performance, good corrosion resistance, rust proof aluminum alloy 5052 is a most widely used, this alloy has high...
1Al alloy and the grains in the Mg-1Al alloy are seen to accommodate a larger degree of deformation than those in the pure Mg at a given strain. With increasing tensile strain, however, there is a strain localization along the initially formed slip ...
An aluminium alloy product having high strength, excellent corrosion resistance and weldability, having the following composition in wt.%: Mg 3.5 to 6.0 Mn 0.4 to 1.2 Fe < 0.5 Si < 0.5 Cu < 0.15 Zr < 0.5 Cr < 0.3 Ti 0.03 to 0.2 Sc < 0.5 Zn < 1.7 Li < 0.5 Ag < 0.4, ...
网络铝镁合金 网络释义 1. 铝镁合金 铝-镁合金,Al-Mg... ... ) aluminium-magnesium alloy 铝镁合金 )Al-Mg alloys铝镁合金) Mg-Al alloy 镁铝合金 ... www.dictall.com|基于3个网页 释义: 全部,铝镁合金