2050 Al-Cu-Li alloyflow stresshot processing mapEBSD利用Gleeble-3500热力模拟试验机对航空航天2050 Al-Cu-Li 合金进行350~470 ℃,0.01~5 s1的单道次等温压缩实验,获得合金的流变应力曲线并将流变数据制成三维热加工图,利用EBSD技术对合金的热变形组织演化规律进行表征.结果表明:2050 Al-Cu-Li 合金的流变...
来自华中科技大学和华南理工大学的研究团队在前期的研究工作中,已经开发出了一种适用于LPBF增材制造技术的Al-Cu-Li-Sc-Zr合金,在室温下展现出了优异的拉伸性能。近日,该研究团队在在Materials Research Letters期刊中发表了题为“Achieving superior high-temperature mechanical properties in Al-Cu-Li-Sc-Zr alloy...
表 1 部分牌号铝锂合金中 Cu,Li 元素含量及主要时效析出相组成[1] Table. 1 M ain aging precipitates of Al-Li alloys with various Cu and Li concentrations [1] Alloy Cu (wt.%) Li (wt.%) Main aging precipitates Development date 8090 1.0-1.6 2.2-2.7 δ′ 1984 1441 2.0 1.9 δ′ 1980s ...
2195 Al-Cu-Li alloy has a significant performance advantage compared to traditional aluminum alloy, such as high strength and corrosion resistance, good weldability and so on, thus the profiles and sheets of this alloy have been widely applied in the structural parts and cryogenic propellant tank ...
of Al-Li alloy is discussed. Based on the shearing and bypassing interaction mechanism between the T1precipitates and the matrix dislocations, some quantitative contribution models to the strength of Al-Cu-Li alloys are concluded. These models can effectively predict the variation of yield strength ...
(1)铸态2195 Al-Li合金在均匀化过程中消除了晶界处的大部分溶质原子偏析和粗大初生相,而富铁相几乎没有溶入Al基体。在溶解过程中,Al-Cu相由板状变为球形。由于Cu原子的扩散速率较低,溶解速度相对较慢,因此,Cu原子的扩散速率在均匀化过程中起决定性作用。
dispersivedistributionandthereforeimprovethemicrostructureandpropertiesofthealloy. Keywords:AI—Cu—Li;pre—aging;mechanicalproperty 铝锂合金由于其特有的低密度高、比强度和比刚 度等优势,已在航空航天领域得到广泛应用,倍受国内 外材料工作者的青睐,并进行了大量卓有成效的研究 ...
In this paper, the weldability of aerospace-grade AA2065, Al-Cu-Li alloy was evaluated through the production of single tracks by wire-feed LMD. The influence of process parameters in deposition geometry, microstructure, porosity and hardness was evaluated. ...
Al-Cu-Li 系合金热轧板材组织 ~ 性能和织构的研究 参考文献 [1]C ELLMANDJ,RAINENRA, ERBERSB,et al.Characterizationofanew Al-Lialloyforthick plate[C].Procof6thInterAl-LiConf.,1992: 1335 [2]C ELLMANDJ,BALMUT ES.Alloydesignfor overcomingthelimitationsofAl-Lialloysplate[C]. The4thInterConfonAl...