DllCall("ntdll\ZwSetTimerResolution","Int",5000,"Int",1,"Int*",MyCurrentTimerResolution);setting theWindowsTimerResolutionto0.5ms,THIS IS A GLOBAL CHANGE ;OPTIMIZATIONSEND ;YOUR SCRIPT GOES HERE DllCall("Sleep","UInt",1);I just slept exactly1ms! DllCall("ntdll\ZwDelayExecution","Int",0,...
Code: Select all - Expand - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V2 q:: A_TrayMenu.ClickCount := 1 return w:: A_TrayMenu.ClickCount := 2 return global A_TrayMenu TrayMenuInit() { static vDummy := TrayMenuInit() global A_TrayMenu := new TrayMenuClass ;note: 'global' can be...
Addunzip()to unzip a.zipfolder using aComObject Movedgetcmd()out ofExtract.ahkand into its own function file switchTo.AE()&New Premiere.ahknow specifically run the shortcuts for their respective programs found in..\Support Files\shortcuts\instead of defaulting to the latest version of either ...
全局热键:AHK 可以注册系统级别的热键,即使用户在其他程序中也能触发 AHK 的脚本。这是通过 Windows 的消息循环(Message Loop)和全局钩子(Global Hooks)来实现的。每当用户按下特定的键盘组合或鼠标按钮时,Windows 系统会通过消息机制通知正在运行的应用程序,AHK 就会捕获这些消息并根据定义的脚本来执行相关操作。 钩子...
Support for jumping to the declaration location of scoped variables, functions, global classes, and labels. usage: Press ctrl Then move the mouse over to the code and click. Find All References See all the source code locations where a certain variable/function is being used. CodeFormat usage...
I would suggest creating this object only once at the beginning, saving it to a variable in the global scope, and calling the Speak() method when needed: Code: Select all - Expand - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V2 #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 oVoice := ComObject("SAPI.SpVoice...
In v2 the vtype1 option doesn't assign a variable but just a name like RadioButtonCtrlObject.Name := "type1". I would phrase it a bit differently. They way I did it creates a key in the gui object that you can access by using item syntax like this: Code: Select all - Download...
8. 可变函数调用 (Variable Function Call): 用法:MyFunc(Params*) 解释:使用可变参数调用函数MyFunc,Params必须是可枚举对象。 示例: ; 定义函数 MyFunc MyFunc(params*) { total := 0 for each, param in params total += param return total }
; in AHK v2: all if's are expression-if, so the Integer variable is dereferenced to the string ;### IsInteger(Var) { Static Integer := "Integer" If Var Is Integer Return True Return False } IsNumber(Var) { Static number := "number...
If you want to change applications directly in the script, addVimGroupvariable beforeVim := new VimAhk()in vim.ahk (Window title/class can be checked by Window spy of AutoHotkey), or write before including vim.ahk Example line: VimGroup := "ahk_exe chrome.exe,ahk_exe firefox.exe" ...