SendInput是最快的发送方法。SendEvent(默认的)排在第二位,SendPlay排在第三位(尽管它是最兼容的)。SendInput 不服从 SetKeyDelay、SetMouseDelay、SetDefaultMouseSpeed;在该模式下,击键之间没有延迟。 ;OPTIMIZATIONS START #NoEnv #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000 #HotkeyInterval 99000000 #KeyHistory 0 ListLinesO...
2020年:AutoHotkey v2 的发布 AHK v2 是一个重大版本更新,许多语法和命令发生了变化。这个版本的发布旨在提供更清晰的脚本结构、更简洁的语法,并增强了与现代 Windows 系统的兼容性。 AHK v2 的发布也意味着 AHK 不仅是一个自动化工具,也逐渐向一个更为强大的脚本语言发展。开发者需要适应新版本中的一些不兼容更...
If you want to change applications directly in the script, addVimGroupvariable beforeVim := new VimAhk()in vim.ahk (Window title/class can be checked by Window spy of AutoHotkey), or write before including vim.ahk Example line: VimGroup := "ahk_exe chrome.exe,ahk_exe firefox.exe" Mult...
简化markdown的写作的贴图流程,快捷键-快速把剪切板的截图粘贴到markdown,使用github仓库,不依赖其他的服务器 - ClipMd/Gdip.ahk at master · wanglong001/ClipMd
I would suggest creating this object only once at the beginning, saving it to a variable in the global scope, and calling the Speak() method when needed: Code: Select all - Expand - Download - Line numbers - Word wrap - V2 #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 oVoice := ComObject("SAPI.SpVoice...
Local help now shows v2 if Base compiler directive selected., 05 July 2023 Ahk2Exe: Add sub-version check for base file *.exe allowed. (Compile v2.1 scripts correctly.) Edit: Fixed download link., 05 June 2023 Ahk2Exe: (No changes). BinMod: Fix error messa...
"From 4 to 6 July 2023, we attended 10 meetings, including 5 discussions, 25 exhibits and 3 ...
为了让AutoHotkey直接与网页的超文本标记语言交互,您必须使用COM Document对象。它使用基本的JavaScript语言...
; in AHK v2: all if's are expression-if, so the Integer variable is dereferenced to the string ;### IsInteger(Var) { Static Integer := "Integer" If Var Is Integer Return True Return False } IsNumber(Var) { Static number := "number...
(xxx),1,false Wscript.Sleep 5000 WshShell.SendKeys "{Enter}" Wscript.Sleep 5000 End If End Function 用VB6基于Cuteftp的传输引擎作了个东东,已能实现文件的上传,代码如下: Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection") MySite.Protocol = "FTP" MySite.Host = FTPServerIP MySite.Login = ...