The AHB to APB bridge is an AHB slave and the only APB master which provides an interface between the highspeed AHB and the low-power APB. Read and write transfers on the AHB are converted into equivalent transfers on the APB. - prajwalgekkouga/AHB-to-AP
The AHB to APB bridge is an AHB slave and the only APB master which provides an interface between the highspeed AHB and the low-power APB. Read and write transfers on the AHB are converted into equivalent transfers on the APB. fpgadigitalverilogmodelsimambaapbahbverilog-project ...
此代码生成工具不仅可以轻松生成APB、AHB、AXI的master2slave的verilog代码,并且可以定义master和slave的数量,还能生成AXI-to-APB bridge 代码、AHB-to-APB bridge 代码、AXI-to-APB bridge 代码。大家可以通过GitHub网址下载,也可以关注公众号“IC小鸽”回复关键字“gen_amba”获取下载链接。 1.解压文件夹 将文件...
此代码生成工具不仅可以轻松生成APB、AHB、AXI的master2slave的verilog代码,并且可以定义master和slave的数量,还能生成AXI-to-APB bridge 代码、AHB-to-APB bridge 代码、AXI-to-APB bridge 代码。大家可以通过GitHub网址下载,也可以关注公众号“IC小鸽”回复关键字“gen_amba”获取下载链接。 1.解压文件夹 将文件上...
简介:深入理解AMBA总线(八)AHB2APB同步桥设计 本篇文章给大家讲解AHB2APB同步桥(或者叫转接桥)的设计。转接桥在SoC设计中属于比较重要的一环,因为SoC通常使用多种不同的总线协议,这些不同的总线协议之间想要完成通信,就需要转接桥的帮助。 Bridge,顾名思义,桥梁,用于完成两者之间的通信。本篇文章的转接桥是AHB高...
2. APB VIP 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.AHB VIP 3.1 3.2 ...
APB主要用来连接高性能低带宽的外围设备,在APB总线系统中,只有一个master,其他的都是slave。 特点: ① 可工作在高频下; ② 协议简单:无复杂的时序; ③ 同步总线:总线上所有的transaction(读写操作)都依赖于时钟的上升沿; ④ 一主多从:一般情况下,APB挂在AHB总线系统下,通过AHB-APB Bridge将事务在AHB总线系统...
In this example TIM3 input clock (TIM3CLK) is set to APB1 clock (PCLK1) TIM3CLK = PCLK1 PCLK1 = HCLK => TIM3CLK = HCLK = SystemCoreClock To get TIM3 counter clock at 1 KHz, the prescaler is computed as follows: Prescaler = (TIM3CLK / TIM3 counter clock) - 1 ...
AHB-APB UVM Verification Environment. Contribute to Gateway91/AHB-APB_Bridge_UVM_Env development by creating an account on GitHub.
AHB to APB Bridge VIP. Contribute to designsolver/ahb2apb_bridge_vip development by creating an account on GitHub.