【【Key words】】Advanced microcontroller bus architecture (AMBA); Advanced peripheral bus (APB); ARM 】The protocols of AHB bus and APB bus in AMBA system are simply described. The AHB-to-APB bridge is implemented in RTL level计计 算Computer Engineering算 机机 工工 程程第第32卷Vol.32 ...
要:介绍AMBA总线系统中的AHB传输协议和APB传输协议,将基于简单算法、PrilneCell算法和倍频时钟算法分别实现AHB.to.APB 总线桥的RTL级硬件建模 对3种算法的仿真结果和FPGA验证结果进行了比较,并给fli1广3种算法的应用实例。 关健词:AMBA;APB;ARM DesignofAHB-to-APBBridgeandItsApplication ...
从图中可以看出AHB/ASB总线到APB总线需要通过桥接器(Bridge)进行连接。 1.APB总线介绍 对比与AHB总线协议,APB应用于慢速外设,不需要AHB总线体系的Arbiter和Decoder 下面是对于APB总系接口信号的描述: 通过图片可以看出,APB总线接口信号主要有系统信号、地址信号、方向信号、数据信号、传输阶段控制信号。 1.1 APB总线传输...
关键词:AMBA总线系统,AHB总线,APB总线 中图分类号:TP33414,TP336 文献标识码:A DesignofAHB-to-APBBridgeinHardware WANGBin 1 ,ZHANGJi2yong 2 ,LIAOYi2jie 1 (11WuhanOrdnancyNon2commissionedOfficerAcademyofPLA,Wuhan430075,China, 21FiberhomeTelecommunicationTechnologiesCo1Ltd1,Wuhan430074,China) ...
AHB to APB Bridge About the AMBA Buses The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) specification defines an on-chip communications standard for designing high-performance embedded microcontrollers. Three distinct buses are defined within the AMBA specification: Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) ...
AHB to APB Bridge About the AMBA Buses The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) specification defines an on-chip communications standard for designing high-performance embedded microcontrollers. Three distinct buses are defined within the AMBA specification: ...
Design of AMBA BASED AHB2APB Bridge The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) is an On chip busarchitecture used to strengthen the reusability of IP core and widely used interconnectionstandard for system on chip (SOC). In order to support high-speed pipelined d... MP Kawale 被引量...
APB_AHB_AXI协议的简单介绍 一、AMBA概述 今天要介绍的三种嵌入式总线技术:APB、AHB、AXI,它们都属于AMBA 片上总线协议。所以,在介绍这几种总线技术之前,有必要先了解一下AMBA 片上总线协议是什么。 AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture) ,全称叫作高级微控制器总线架构,它是由ARM公司研发推出的高性能...
APB是低速总线,主要负责外设接口 AHB和APB之间是通过Bridge(桥接器)链接的 Bus Bridges 总所周知,一个系统中的各个模块之间相互通信是通过总线,总线的作用,就是把数据和地址从设备A搬运到设备B上, 如果说设备A和设备B具有一致性(原文是under discussion,这里我不知道怎么翻译比较好,暂且翻译为一致性),那么设备A和...
Design of AMBA BASED AHB2APB Bridge The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) is an On chip busarchitecture used to strengthen the reusability of IP core and widely used interconnectionstandard for system on chip (SOC). In order to support high-speed pipelined d... MP Kawale 被引...