1、APB桥 APB桥是AMBA APB总线上的唯一主机,也是AMBA AHB的一个从机。下图表示了APB桥接口信号: APB桥接口信号 APB Bridge将AHB传输转成APB传输并实现一下功能: (1)对锁存的地址进行译码并产生选择信号PSELx,在传输过程中只有一个选择信号可以被激活。 也就是选择出唯一 一个APB从设备以进行读写动作。 (2)...
内容提示: —246— AHB-to-APB 总线桥的设计与应用总线桥的设计与应用 夏夏 晶,权进国,林孝康晶,权进国,林孝康 (清华大学深圳研究生院,深圳 518055) 摘摘 要:要: 介绍 AMBA 总线系统中的 AHB 传输协议和 APB 传输协议, 将基于简单算法、 PrimeCell 算法和倍频时钟算法分别实现 AHB-to-APB总线桥的 ...
要:介绍AMBA总线系统中的AHB传输协议和APB传输协议,将基于简单算法、PrilneCell算法和倍频时钟算法分别实现AHB.to.APB 总线桥的RTL级硬件建模 对3种算法的仿真结果和FPGA验证结果进行了比较,并给fli1广3种算法的应用实例。 关健词:AMBA;APB;ARM DesignofAHB-to-APBBridgeandItsApplication ...
关键词:AMBA总线系统,AHB总线,APB总线 中图分类号:TP33414,TP336 文献标识码:A DesignofAHB-to-APBBridgeinHardware WANGBin 1 ,ZHANGJi2yong 2 ,LIAOYi2jie 1 (11WuhanOrdnancyNon2commissionedOfficerAcademyofPLA,Wuhan430075,China, 21FiberhomeTelecommunicationTechnologiesCo1Ltd1,Wuhan430074,China) ...
we created a testbench and comprehensible design for the AHB to APB bridge in this project so that it could be functionally verified in Verilog HDL. Xilinx 14.7 ISE is the software tool that we have utilized.Shanthi, G.Department of ECE, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and ...
关键词:AMBA 总线系统,AHB 总线,A PB 总线中图分类号: TP33414, TP336 文献标识码:ADesign of AHB-to-APB Br idge in HardwareWAN GB in1, ZHAN G J i2yong2,L I AO Yi2jie1(11 W uhan O rdnancy N on2comm issioned Off icer A cademy of PLA , W uhan 430075, Ch ina,21F iberho...
Design AMBA based AHB to APB Bridge using Verilog HDL (AMBA) is a widely used interconnection standard for System on Chip (SoC) design. An AMBA-based microcontroller typically consists of a high-performance system backbone bus (AMBA AHB or AMBA ASB), able to sustain the external memory band...
符合AMBA 3 AHB-Lite v1.0和AMBA 3 APB v1.0协议 数据总线宽度最大为32位[8、16、32] 地址宽度最大为32位[11、12、...、32] 可选跨时钟域桥功能 带寄存器输出 联系销售 文档 快速参考 User Manual 标题编号版本日期格式文件大小 a选择全部 aaAHB-Lite to APB Bridge Module - Lattice Propel Builder ...
CoreAHBtoAPB3 (AMBA 3.0 Bridge) is an AHB slave and AMBA 3 APB master that provides an interface (bridge) between the high-speed AHB domain and the low-power APB domain. The CoreAHBtoAPB3 interfaces with CoreAHB/CoreAHBLite through the AHB interface, or CoreAPB3 through the APB ...
To design and simulate a synthesizable AHB to APB bridge interface using Verilog and run single read and single write tests using AHB Master and APB Slave testbenches. The bridge unit converts system bus transfers into APB transfers and performs the following functions: Latches the address and ...