agingus本身并不是一个广为人知的期刊或出版物名称,因此,直接给出其影响因子可能并不准确。然而,我可以解释影响因子是什么,并说明如何查找特定期刊的影响因子。 影响因子(Impact Factor,简称IF)是一个国际上通行的评价指标,由E. Garfield在1972年提出,它是某期刊前两年发表的论文在该报告年份(J2年)中被引用总次数...
Aging-US Journal Abbreviation: AGING-US Journal ISSN: 1945-4589 YearImpact Factor (IF)Total ArticlesTotal Cites 2023 (2024 update)3.9-- 20225.2-28970 20215.955-23196 20205.682154913864 20194.8317416778 20185.5152595185 20175.1791494410 20164.8672143406
Ischemic stroke is a complex disease with a growing multitude of risk factors. Aging is the principal risk factor for ischemic stroke, such that stroke occurs more often, and is more severe, in older demographics. Furthermore, among this population, stro
Within this, local enterprises accounted for 80.4% of the total, with outward investment totaling US$93.92 billion, reflecting a 13.1% increase from the previous year. The eastern region experienced a 10.3% growth in outward investment, encompassing 81.6% of local investment. Leading the way in ...
many of us are going to be living with one or a lot of chronic conditions. However, modifiable modus vivendi, like a healthy diet and physical activity, will encourage healthy aging and improve the standard of lifetime of older folks. Nurses are ideally placed to produce recommendation on nut...
12b–e). Further, it resembled a similar ranking of tissues based on the bulk RNA-seq data generated by us. While it is possible to rank tissues according to the correlation between transcript lengths and age-dependent relative fold changes of transcripts in this bulk RNA-seq data (Extended ...
The longitudinal character of sampling in the experiment let us use the autoregression analysis to detect possible effects of a drug on the dynamics of dFI and hence aging. Whenever a non-random force (that is the effect of the drug) is present in Eq. (1), the jump in dFI between any...
We then conduct a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of different coefficients, such as the ratio of people adopting DGCR 2022, food waste, urbanization rate, etc., on the reduction of GD. Such sensitivity analyses tell us the effects of changes in these factors on reducing GD, thus...
However it did contain data that helped us answer our research question. When we look at the contribution of this article to our data, it shows that three post-implementation factors were extracted from this article. Each of these factors were also mentioned by one other article. This ...
Uspenskaia, O., Liebetrau, M., Herms, J., Danek, A. & Hamann, G. F. Aging is associated with increased collagen type IV accumulation in the basal lamina of human cerebral microvessels. BMC Neurosci. 5, 37 (2004). Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Vasudevan, A. et...