最具代表性的组织是Scrum Alliance,是针对软件开发而设计的项目管理方法。常见的有Scrum、XP、Lean、Crys...
Project Leader@ GE Aviation Jordi Medina Information Technology and Services@Calidae Jacopo Romei Lean Coach@Codemotion Josh Zimmerman Department Manager, Business Development – BIM2Fab® Steel@SSOE Group Trusted by millions, including those inFortune 50 ...
Discover how we can help you implement Lean/Agile project management in the computer software industry
Any team looking to produce a lean, efficient development process stands to gain from agile methods. Not every project will consider an agile process suitable for operations. But organizations looking to have quicker, more efficient responses to change and uncertainty will find these methods valuable...
PMP®是项目管理专业人士(Project Management Professional)的简称,是美国项目管理协会(PMI)发起的一项全球性的项目管理专业人士认证。PMP认证的核心价值在于项目管理知识体系。 PMP认证注重的是项目管理的标准化和规范化,它提供了一套完整的项目管理方法和工具,帮助项目经理更好地规划、执行和监控项目。 PMP认证的特点在...
The connections, or lack thereof, are what strongly impact performance and quality. This book defines nine wastes found in project management and demonstrates how they can be addressed with lean technology.Terra Vanzant SternPhDCrc Press
精益(Lean) 精益起源于丰田生产系统 (TPS),它在 1950 年代、60 年代及以后彻底改变了实物商品的制造。精益在制造业中占有一席之地,但也在知识工作中找到了新的应用,帮助各行各业的企业**消除浪费、改进流程并促进创新**。软件开发是精益方法的自然应用,因为与制造非常相似,它通常遵循一个定义的过程,具有一些定义...
agile project management 术语 agile project management 术语敏捷项目管理中有许多术语和概念,以下是一些常见的敏捷项目管理术语:1. 敏捷(Agile):一种以灵活、迭代和协作为核心的项目管理方法。2. Scrum:一种敏捷框架,强调迭代开发、自我组织和集中在交付价值上。3. 迭代(Iteration):一次短期的开发周期,在此...
Learn how to create a Gantt chart: define tasks, set timelines, and manage dependencies for effective project planning and management. [CONTINUED] A brief history of the agile project management methodology Stemming from Toyota's lean manufacturing concept of the 1940s, software development teams...