27.【Kevin聊敏捷】精益敏捷(Lean Agile)的5个原则 了解完精益的导论之后,今天我们将学习精益敏捷的5个原则,这对我们理解精益敏捷有着至关重要的作用。 一、精益敏捷的5个原则 价值观(Value) 价值流(Value Stream) 流动(Flow) 拉动(Pull) 尽善尽美(Perfection) 二、价值观(Value) 精益敏捷要求我们站在用户的...
学习敏捷(Agile)和精益(Lean)的方法和理念,适合那些希望提高生产效率,降低成本并提高客户价值的组织和个人。敏捷(Agile)适用于软件开发和敏捷项目管理领域,而精益(Lean)则适用于制造和生产领域。学习这些方法和理念的好处是可以提高组织的生产效率,降低成本并提高客户满意度。 如果你对精益管理有兴趣,可以看看精益管理(C...
Lean Coach Codemotion Businessmap is so much more than just beautiful kanban software. It is as powerful as the traditional project management systems, but at the same time it is very simple and intuitive to use. “ JoshZimmerman Department Manager, Business Development – BIM2Fab® Steel...
这里所说的敏捷向组织的高层级推进,从项目管理的角度来说,意味着组织中传统的项目组合的管理方式(Portfolio Management)也必须要进行转变,即转型为精益-敏捷的项目组合管理方式(Lean-Agile Portfolio Management)。因为项目组合管理与一个企业的战略紧密相连,或者说企业的战略需要通过项目组合管理来实施和落地,所以对一个...
二、精益敏捷(Lean Agile)和精益思想(Lean Thinking) 在软件工程方面,Tom Poppendieck和mary Poppendieck提出“精益敏捷(Lean Agile)”,他们指出可以将生产线的生产技术应用于软件工程。这种精益开发的思想也为敏捷的可行性/科学性提供了依据。 图二Tom Poppendieck和mary Poppendieck ...
lean-agile 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Agile and Lean: Agile and Lean are complementary and exist hand in hand. 敏捷和紧凑:敏捷和紧凑彼此互补,携手存在。 www.ibm.com© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈
精益Lean和敏捷Agile都强调用户第一、快速和高质量,但因起源不同导致具体的实践侧重点不同。比如快速,精益侧重于减少浪费,敏捷侧重增量交付。比如客户满意度,精益侧重去除一切客户不要的东西,敏捷则侧重开放式与客户沟通。 两者也可以灵活选择(比如需求不稳定时注重敏捷,稳定时注重精益)或同时使用,称为“精敏”Leagile...
Lean-Agile Mindset Definition:The Lean-Agile Mindset is the combination of beliefs, assumptions, attitudes, and actions of SAFe leaders and practitioners who embrace the concepts of Lean Thinking and the Agile Manifesto. (Courtesy of Womack & Jones from Lean Thinking, and the Agile Manifesto [2,...
Lean-Agile Leadership Introduction They do this through leading by example; learning and modeling SAFe’s Lean-Agile mindset, values, principles, and practices; and leading the change to a new way of working. It is one of the seven core competencies of the Lean Enterprise, each of which is...
The Lean-Agile Leadership competency describes how Lean-Agile Leaders drive and sustain organizational change and operational excellence by empowering individuals and teams to reach their highest potential. They do this through leading by example, learni