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27.【Kevin聊敏捷】精益敏捷(Lean Agile)的5个原则 了解完精益的导论之后,今天我们将学习精益敏捷的5个原则,这对我们理解精益敏捷有着至关重要的作用。 一、精益敏捷的5个原则 价值观(Value) 价值流(Value Stream) 流动(Flow) 拉动(Pull) 尽善尽美(Perfection) 二、价值观(Value) 精益敏捷要求我们站在用户的...
Flexagile 弹性敏捷 – 文化篇 我们知道,Scrum敏捷框架有定义其3355(3个角色、3个工件、5个价值观和5个会议),但我们不应该只是套用流程,应同时理解其本意和精髓。我们在前两篇《理论篇》和《实践篇》中完整的介绍了Flexagile框架,在本篇中,我们会给大家带来我们应用Flexagile过程中支持的一些团队文化建设。 文化 ...
Lean Startup for Agile Product ManagementAngel Medinilla
这里所说的敏捷向组织的高层级推进,从项目管理的角度来说,意味着组织中传统的项目组合的管理方式(Portfolio Management)也必须要进行转变,即转型为精益-敏捷的项目组合管理方式(Lean-Agile Portfolio Management)。因为项目组合管理与一个企业的战略紧密相连,或者说企业的战略需要通过项目组合管理来实施和落地,所以对一个...
Finally, I will share with you an idea of lean and agile portfolio management that ONES does for customers. As shown in the figure below, we can see that energy efficiency, processes, methods and tools are from the perspective of "things", and organizations are from the perspective of "peo...
26.【Kevin聊敏捷】精益敏捷(Lean Agile)导论 今天,我们将学习敏捷管理的另一个流派-精益敏捷(Lean Agile)。 一、精益(Lean) 提到精益,大家首先想到的肯定是“精益生产”,其中最具代表的就是日本的丰田公司,其最终演变成为了一种新的管理方式。 精益生产是通过系统结构、人员组织、运行方式和市场供求等方面的变革...
Boiling frogs and Lean transformation often have at least one thing in common: Do it quickly, but not quickly enough, and the subject might jump overboard. Changing behaviours, influencing culture and moving forwards on the path towards Lean or Agile is hard work. More often than not, the ad...
“Lean management is for routine, repeatable operations,” they are really talking about something like a lean work cell applying a methodology for continuous improvement. Similarly, an assertion such as “Agile is for creative product development” typically conflates agile with a cro...
Changes in the pace of software development mean that Agile has had a significant impact on most product managers’ work. Let’s look at this concept in a bit more detail. Atlassian product managerSherif Mansour writes, “Agile product management is all about understanding customers’ problems. ...