Gastrointestinal Tract of the Human Conceptus. Cancer Res 1972; 32: 979. 3. Kjessler B, Johansson SGO. Monitoring of the Development of Early Pregnancy by Determination of Alpha-Fetoprotein in Maternal Serum and Amniotic Fluid Samples. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1977; V69: 5. 4. Tatarinov YS...
AFP在胎儿表达,通过免疫抑制作用,参与母胎耐受。1973年威尔士大学的B. SLADE就在Nature发表文章,AFP抗体注射妊娠的兔子,会引起流产,证实AFP在维持母胎耐受中的作用,3年后乌普萨拉大学的R. A. MURGITA,正式撰文系统描述了AFP在孕期的免疫抑制作用(The immunosuppressive role ...
AmniocentesisEvaluationSerum Protein EffectsPregnancy First TrimesterPregnancy Second TrimesterAnalysisStudiesResearch Methodology242 patients 150 from Uppsala (U) and 92 from elsewhere (E) underwent successful amniocentesis (AMN) before the 20th gestational week with recovery of amniotic fluid (AF) specimens ...
Lower than expected levels of MSAFP are noted in overestimation of gestational age, type 1 diabetics, Down syndrome, trisomy 18 (Edwards' syndrome), hydatidiform moles, and pseudopregnancy.[52] AFAFP is far more sensitive and specific for diagnosing NTDs than is MSAFP. Preventing and detecting ...
The AFP test, also known as Alpha-fetoprotein test, is a blood test used to screen for certain types of cancers, particularly liver cancer. AFP is a protein produced by the liver and yolk sac of a developing baby during pregnancy. In adults, AFPlevels in the blood are normally low, but...
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein that is abundantly produced in the fetus during its development. AFP synthesis decreases after birth, It is known that expression of the AFP is reactivated during liver regeneration and hepatocarcinogenesis. AFP measurement during pregnancy has been useful to detec...
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein that is abundantly produced in the fetus during its development. AFP synthesis decreases after birth, It is known that expression of the AFP is reactivated during liver regeneration and hepatocarcinogenesis. AFP measurement during pregnancy has been useful to detec...
a serum protein produced during pregnancy, useful in the prenatal diagnosis of multiple births or birth defects.Abbr.:AFP [1970–75] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
【摘要】Objective:To investigate the effect of BMI during pregnancy,serum AFP,β-HCG,uE3 levels during second trimester of primipara on adverse pregnancy outcomes.Methods:The data of 513 pregnant women who received prenatal examination and delivery were collected,and the BMI value of pregnant women ...