The AFP test, also known as Alpha-fetoprotein test, is a blood test used to screen for certain types of cancers, particularly liver cancer. AFP is a protein produced by the liver and yolk sac of a developing baby during pregnancy. In adults, AFPlevels in the blood are normally low, but...
(25.6 ± 1.5)ng/mL.Among 516 cases who were taken early antenatal examination,3 cases(0.58%) were found high risk of Down's syndrome,and then confirmed by amniotic fluid,umbilical cord blood test.Conclusion:Joint detection of serum AFP,β-HCG and PAPP-A in early pregnancy is an important...
This article focuses on the growing practice of maternal serum alphafetoprotein (AFP) screening during pregnancy. It discusses the merits and limitations of the AFP blood test as a method of identifying women at risk for bearing children with neural tube (brain or spine) defects and for other ...
cases(0.58%)were f ound high risk of Dow n's sy ndrome,and then conf irmed by amnio tic f luid,umbilica l cord blood test.Conc lusion:Joint detection of serum AFP,β-HCG and PAPP-A in early pregnancy is an important basis f or screening for Dow n's sy ndrome.Key wor ds ...
Test Preparation Needed? None What is being tested? Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a protein produced primarily by the liver in a developing baby (fetus). AFP levels are normally elevated when a baby is born and then decline rapidly. Outside of pregnancy and birth, liver damage and certain canc...
Outside of pregnancy, the AFP test is used to detect liver disease, certain cancers, and to monitor the progress of any cancer treatment. WHAT IS IT? Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood test Genetically linked viruses were isolated in 2015; 10 AFP cases and 11 isolates were identified through comm...
Screening in early pregnancy for pre-eclampsia using Down syndrome quadruple test markers.Prenat Diagn,2006, 26(6):559-564. [5]许晓红,方庆云,马树风.孕妇血清AFP、F-βhCG联合筛查胎儿出生缺陷的分析.安徽医科大学学报,2005,40(5):481-483. [6]宋淑本,廖灿,魏佳雪,等.唐氏综合征产前筛查1198例分析....
Rapid Test Early Medical HCG Pregnancy Test Strip US$0.02-0.20 / Piece Early Pregnancy Baby Check HCG Urine Midstream Test US$0.01-0.20 / Piece HCG Lh Typhoid Malaria Dengue HCV HBV Hbsag Syphilis Tp H. Pylori HP Ab AG HIV Toxo Monkey Pox Ivd Fob Rapid ...
The PSA Rapid Test Cassette is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of human prostate specific antigen in Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma. The test is based on immunochromatography and can give a result within 15 minutes. [SUMMARY] Prostate cancer is the one...
No. 11731327 - 100 testsM Streptavidin-coated microparticles (transparent cap), 1 bottle, 6.5 ml:Streptavidin-coated microparticles, 0.72 mg/ml, binding capacity: 470 ng biotin/mgmicroparticles; preservative.R1 Anti-AFP-Ab~biotin (gray cap), 1 bottle, 10 ml:Biotinylated monoclonal anti-AFP ...