Beta measures the security's volatility in relation to its benchmark index. If a security's actual return is higher than its beta, the security has a positive alpha, and if the return is lower it has a negative alpha. For example, if a stock's beta is 1.5, and its benchmark gained...
In diagnosis of adverse pregnancy outcomes,prenatal AFP,uE3 and Freeβ-HCG detection combined with ultrasound had single abnormal positive predictive value as 25.62% and simultaneous abnormal positive predictive value as 79.63%. The difference of single abnormal positive predictive value and simultaneous ...
Detection rates and false positive rates for Downs Syndrome screening: How precisely can they be Estimated and what factors influence their value? Statistics Medicine 1997;16:1481-1495. 2008-04, V 6 English 28、 3 / 4 Elecsys and cobas e analyzers AFP AFP 1-fetoprotein18. Lamson SH, Hook ...
The use of AFP as well as age in Down syndrome screening allows patients to be better informed of their risk of having an affected pregnancy. For example, a 35-year-old woman has a risk of a Down syndrome term pregnancy of about 1:380, the risk is 1:120 if the AFP level is 0.40...
Hierarchy of alpha fetoprotein (AFP)-specific T cell responses in subjects with AFP-positive hepatocellular cancer. We identified a series of immunodominant and subdominant epitopes from alpha fetoprotein (AFP), restricted by HLA-A*0201, which are recognized by the human... Y Liu,S Daley,VN Evd...
得到的结果如下: associated pregnancy. Ann Clin Biochem 1989;26:452-458. MODULAR ANALYTICS E170,cobas e 601和cobas e 602分析仪 15. Cuckle HS, Wald NJ, Nanchahal K, et al. Repeat maternal serum 重复性b 中间精密度 alpha-fetoprotein testing in antenatal screening programmes for Down’s 重...
There were 7 cases with congenital defects in 91 cases, total positive rate was 7.69%.Conclusion It is operative to decrease birth rate of the fetus with congenital defects by measuring serum AFP、Free-β-hCG and inhibin-A in mid-pregnancy, which can early discover diagnose the fetus with ...
β-HCG > 2.0 MoM with placental abruption,premature rupture of membranes,pregnancy-induced hypertension,fetal distress,pregnancy-induced hypertension were positively correlated (r =0.202,0.218,0.368,1.000,0.488,P <0.05).There was a positive correlation between uE3 < 0.7 MoM with gestationalhypertension,...
level in the blood stream by AFP Rapid Test has been used as an early detection test for hepatocellular carcinoma. The test is based on immunochromatography and can give a result within 15 minutes. Detailed Photos Positive: *Two lines appear. One colored line ...
A Case of Positive Amniotic AFP, Acetylcholinesterase in a Normal Pregnancy after Undergoing Periodic Targeted Ultrasonographic Evaluation Neural tube defects are reported one of the important congenital malformation in the world, with an incidence of 1.4 to 2 per 1000 pregnancies. Maternal serum AFP at...