but only for a small number of those undergoing the test; the test is reassuring but the study nethod was inappropriate and hence failed to detect it; the test is not reassuring because of a lack of knowledge about the meaning of a negative result or, the way in which results of testing...
Outside of pregnancy, the AFP test is used to detect liver disease, certain cancers, and to monitor the progress of any cancer treatment. WHAT IS IT? Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) blood test Genetically linked viruses were isolated in 2015; 10 AFP cases and 11 isolates were identified through comm...
Fertile Ground: A Pilgrimage through Pregnancy $18.95 41 9781944967604 First and Second Corinthians: Straight From the Heart $19.95 9781888212532 Following a Sacred Path: Raising Godly Children $14.95 9781936270736 Following Egeria: A Visit to the Holy Land through Time and Space $16.95 1...
(pregnancyassociatedplasmaproteinA,PAPP-A)、 β-hCG、甲胎蛋白(α-fetoprotein,AFP)及游离雌三 醇(unconjugatedestriol,uE3)的水平,探讨其与子痫 前期发病的相关性,为临床上预测子痫前期提供 依据。 资料与方法 一、资料来源和分组 1.资料来源:前瞻性随机选取2012年4月至 ...