Closure of embassy in London leaves thousands of Afghans in UK and Republic of Ireland stranded and without support
Answer:"Her family members are not eligible under the current categories. However, she can register them with the British embassy in Kabul. It is possible that the government may produce further guidance on extended family members and include them in additional categories. For now just register th...
August 13, the day after the Taliban had taken control of Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second city, US embassy staff in Kabul began destroying sensitive documents. Biden, meanwhile, departed for his holiday.”“
Welcome to the official website of the Embassy of Afghanistan__ This website of the Afghanistan Embassy to Australia contains a lot of information including culture, travelers guide to Kabul, business and a lot more. - illustrated - From Embassy of Afghanistan -
Her brother used to work as an electric engineer for an embassy in Kabul at nights and often came home in the rush hour in the morning, but on May 31 he didn't return home, Razia Panae sobbed while she recalled. "The huge blast in the morning on May 31 had shocked us at home an...
US Embassy cable, “Ambassador raises bin Laden with Foreign Secretary, Shamshad Ahmad,” Islamabad, October 6, 1998; “Osama bin Laden: Charge reiterates U.S. concerns to key Taliban official, who sticks to well-known Taliban position,” Islamabad, December 19, 2000, inUpdate:The Taliban Fi...
” On top of that, “the memory stick revealed plans to train the Taliban to use secure satellite phones, so they could communicate directly with UK officials.”“Officially, the British embassy remains tight-lipped, fuelling speculation that the plan may have been part of a wider clandestine...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "SAS HERO'S SON KILLED BY TALIBAN BOMBERS; 29 Years Ago He Famously Stormed the Iranian Embassy Live on TV. Today, He's a Father Grieving for Another British Soldier Lost in Afghan War" - Daily Mail (London), August 22, 2009收藏...
nicholas barber
At first Pakistan’s foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, asked the Americans to stall their apology until Parliament met. But by the time she met Mrs. Clinton in London in February, anti-American riots had seized Afghanistan after an episode in which American troops burned copies of the Koran...