Hello sir,madam myself Bivek Thapa from Darjeeling West Bengal India,I have a gud experience of working in Afghanistan and there culture and there language that's why I am looking for a job of dari interpeter on Afghanistan embassy of india,if there is any vacancy on that post or a ...
“We and our colleagues in Kabul are trying to find a solution for this problem and provide better conditions for the passengers in India or facilitate their departure,” Qadiry said, who has established a hotline at the Afghan embassy to help Afghans living in India. Right now, Fly Dubai...
Afghanistan commercial attaché in India and Afghan Ambassador in India asked all Afghan traders to continue their operation as usual and vouched that Afghan Embassy in India will support them if they face any problems in India. Muhiuddin, the owner of Mobin Afghan Ltd, plans to export Afghan ...
"There is no money. It is not possible to operate in such circumstances. I am not being paid now," a source at the Afghan embassy in Canada's capital Ottawa said. Two Afghan embassy staffers in New Delhi said they were also running out of cash for a mission serving thousands of...
‘A SIV holder was beaten and tortured by the Taliban, SIV holder was working closely with the US embassy in Kabul,’ Canada-based Afghan journalist Bilal Sarwary tweeted on Monday. ‘An American citizen’s home was raided, he was questioned and verbally abused. Multiple sources with direct ...
The spokesperson for the Pakistani Foreign Ministry rejected the Taliban embassy’s claims of mistreatment of Afghan nationals during the repatriation process as misplaced. “In this connection, we also extensively engaged the Afghan side to ensure smooth repatriation of Afghan nationals,” Shafqat Ali...
strengthen the Taliban’s power, former Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John F. Sopko revealed. “The Taliban have cynically benefited from our desire to help,” Sopko said at the Herat Security Dialogue XII in Madrid, Spain, last week. “Our assistance has allowed the ...
Afghan Ambassador Javid Qaem meets with Chinese journalists at the Beijing embassy on June 1. Photo: Wang Wenwen/GT China can play a major role in regional peace as the US withdraws from Afghanistan, said Afghan Ambassador to China Javid Qaem on Tuesday. A prominent advantage that China ...
Indian embassy in Afghanistan stated that the current development partnership between New Delhi and Kabul makes India the war-torn country’s largest donor in the region. It was not clear which library Trump was referring to, but his remarks raised many eyebrows in India, across party lines. Bo...
A US Embassy spokesperson in Kabul said they were “actively working on every possible contingency to make sure that we can help those who have helped us.” “We have long said we are committed to supporting those who have helped US military and other government personnel perform their duties...