Closure of embassy in London leaves thousands of Afghans in UK and Republic of Ireland stranded and without support
August 13, the day after the Taliban had taken control of Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second city, US embassy staff in Kabul began destroying sensitive documents. Biden, meanwhile, departed for his holiday.”“
nicholas barber
Any smuggling that is done on behalf of NATO can in no way make up for the closed borders, however. Smugglers say they carry between 20 and 25 small containers a day while, when the border crossings were open, NATO shipped an average of 250 large containers a day — making the reopening...
The planned $1.5 billion annual aid to Pakistan will be just over 1 percent of the $130 billion US budget for military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. As ProfessorAnatol Lievenof London's King's College recently put it, "the stabilization and development of this country (Pakistan) is not...