需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) AEC - Q004 Proposed DRAFT_2 - Zero Defects Guideline零缺陷管理指南.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 DRAFT AEC - Q004 August 31, 2006 ZERO DEFECTS GUIDELINE Automotive Electronics Council Component Technical Committee DRAFT...
test and use and where each of the zero defect tool or method fits in with this component flow. Each tool or method is described along with how it addresses zero defects, when it would or wouldn't be used, the estimated cost versus benefit, the components and technologies it applies ...
解讀AEC-Q004零缺陷車規標準 本文針對AEC-Q004的基本觀念以及Zero Defect的六大類工具詳盡說明... 2025-02-19 沙烏地阿拉伯計畫今年7月製造出第一顆本土晶片 2025-02-19 關鍵產業推動復甦 GaN成高功率挑戰解藥 2025-02-19 AI伺服器成長動能延續至2025年 ...
1.1 Purpose The flowchart below describes the sequence of steps involved in component design, manufacture, test and use and where each of the zero defect tool or method fits in with this component flow. Each tool or method is described along with how it addresses zero defects, when it would...